How did India become part of the British empire?


Answer 1
Answer: well first the British were  just trading along the coast of India but hen war broke out and India won and gained part of India. the British then began to spread their rule upward and started to get more of India. by then the British empire had established a great military dominance that would allow them to take over the remaining Indian states.

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How did sectionalism lead to the civil war?&
how did the wartime economies of the north and south compare?
what role did the freedmen's bureau play in reconstruction?


1. sectionalism was the main cause of the civil war. the southern states seceded from the Union because they didn't want President Lincoln to free their slaves.

2. The Southern was devasted because it couldn't its agriculture products to the North or overseas. The Northen economy thrived on its manufacturing

3. the bureau provided assistance to tens of thousands of former slaves and impoverished whites in the Southern States

Sectionalism led to the Civil War as disagreements between the North and South over issues such as slavery, tariffs, and states' rights became increasingly irreconcilable.

The wartime economies of the North and South were very different. The North had a strong industrial base, while the South was primarily agricultural. This gave the North a significant advantage in the war.

The Freedmen's Bureau also played a role in educating former slaves.

How did sectionalism lead to the Civil War?

Sectionalism is a feeling of loyalty to one's region or section of a country over the country as a whole. In the United States, sectionalism developed between the North and the South in the decades leading up to the Civil War.

The North and South had different economic systems, cultures, and values. The North was industrialized and urban, while the South was agricultural and rural. The North was also more diverse in terms of race and ethnicity, while the South was predominantly white.

Sectionalism led to the Civil War as disagreements between the North and South over issues such as slavery, tariffs, and states' rights became increasingly irreconcilable. In 1860, the election of Abraham Lincoln, a Republican who opposed the expansion of slavery into new territories, led to the secession of the Southern states and the outbreak of the Civil War.

How did the wartime economies of the North and South compare?

The wartime economies of the North and South were very different. The North had a strong industrial base, while the South was primarily agricultural. This gave the North a significant advantage in the war.

The North was able to produce large quantities of weapons, ammunition, and other war supplies. The South, on the other hand, struggled to produce the supplies it needed to fight the war.

The North also had a better transportation system than the South. This allowed the North to move troops and supplies quickly and efficiently. The South, on the other hand, had a more difficult time moving troops and supplies.

As a result of these factors, the North had a stronger economy than the South during the Civil War. This gave the North a significant advantage in the war.

What role did the Freedmen's Bureau play in Reconstruction?

The Freedmen's Bureau was a federal agency that was created in 1865 to help former slaves during Reconstruction. The bureau provided food, shelter, clothing, and medical care to former slaves. It also helped them find jobs and land.

The Freedmen's Bureau also played a role in educating former slaves. The bureau established schools for former slaves and provided them with textbooks and other supplies.

The Freedmen's Bureau was controversial, but it played an important role in helping former slaves during Reconstruction. The bureau helped former slaves to transition to freedom and to become productive members of society.

For such more question on Sectionalism


Mark each statement if it describes information archaeologists discovered about ancient Greece. A.
Archaeologists uncovered ruins of ancient cities, one of which was believed to be Troy.

Archaeologists examined evidence of the Olympics and found information about the competition and the victors.

Archaeologists dug up evidence of the writings of Homer that led them to conclude that he was the author of the Iliad and the Odyssey.

Archaeologists found evidence that the ancient cities of Greece did not really exist, but were simply part of the mythology of the region.


The Temple of Samian Poseidon described by the ancient Greek writer Strabo is thought to have been discovered by a group of Greek and Austrian archaeologists working in Southern Greece.  

What was Ancient Greece ?

At the acropolis of the ancient city of Samikon, also known as Samicum, the sanctuary of the Greek sea god was found.

The equinox was discovered by Thales. Aristarchus of Samos initially put out the idea that the Earth and planets revolve around the Sun in the third century BC. Thales made the discovery of the solstice.

The Greeks achieved significant advances in astronomy, mathematics, philosophy, and medicine. Greek culture placed a high value on literature and theater, which has affected modern play. The Greeks are renowned for their intricate architecture and sculpture.

In Greece, there are Greek mythology is one of the most well-known and important mythologies in the world because of the Greek Pantheon and its stories and legends. Later Roman gods were influenced by the 12 gods of Olympus.

Learn more about Ancient Greece here

# SPJ 3

A and B are supposed to be checked, c and d are wrong. i just took the test and got it wrong for doing b c and d. please dont listen to the answer below, it be the cost of your grade. Hope i helped

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