Which of the following choices is located at 0° longitude?a.equator
b.-prime meridian
c.-South America
d.-North America


Answer 1


Option (b) is the  correct answer of this question.


Prime Meridian is located at 0° longitude.A prime meridian is the meridian (a longitude line) in a system of geographic coordinates in which longitude is defined as 0 ° is known as prime meridian.

  • In prime meridian spheroid are divided into two hemispheres by this great circle.
  • The Eastern Hemisphere and the Western Hemisphere can be named if one uses East and West directions from a specified primary meridian.
  • Prime meridians have to be arbitrarily defined on Earth. A marker like a crater is often used; other times a prime meridian is described by reference to another celestial object, or magnetic fields.

Unlike an equator defined by the rotation axis, the primary meridian is arbitrary.Various definitions for the Earth's prime meridian have been used or encouraged in different regions throughout history.

Answer 2

prime meridian  is located at 0° longitude. The correct option is b.

The prime meridian runs from the North Pole to the South Pole passing through Greenwich, England and is marked at 0° longitude. It divides the world into the Eastern and Western Hemispheres and serves as the standard for measuring east-west distances on the Earth's surface.

The equator, which divides the Earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres and is situated at 0° latitude is a circle that is equidistant from the North and South Poles. The Western Hemisphere is home to the continents of South and North America. The prime meridian is an important geographic and navigational landmark that promotes global cooperation and timekeeping.

learn more about prime meridian here



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tropical, maritime, continental, polar, and arid. hope this helps!

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Plate tectonics move due to convection currents that occur in the Earths Mantle. They rise from the Earths core and have enough energy to move plates. The parts of convection cells where the heat energy is concentrated are called plumes. ( Rising magma between convection currents) Plumes can move plates in four ways: 
Destructive; A destructive plate boundary is when plates are forced to push against each other. This generally involves the Oceanic crust and the Continental crust. The Oceanic crust is denser than the Continental plate so is forced underneath. This is called the subduction zone. When it gets pulled down it melts to form magma, which forms a magma chamber. Magma rises through the cracks in the Continental crust and as pressure builds up, a volcanic eruption may occur.

Collision: A collision zone is another type of destructive boundary. It is when plates are pushing together, which create fold mountains. This is how the Himalayas were formed. 

Constrictive/Extension; A constrictive plate is when the two plates are being pulled apart. This is due to the convection currents, when magma reaches the surface it cools and turns into a solid to form a new crust. This is repeated many times over a long period of time. They are generally formed under the sea, for example the mid-Atlantic-ridge. When it happens chains of underwater volcanoes will appear and could become very large that it erupts out of the sea to form a volcanic island. 

Conservative; A conservative boundary is when the plates are sliding horizontally past each other, causing extreme pressure to build. However no land is created, and none is destroyed, nor are volcanoes formed, but earthquakes are very common. A very well known example of a conservative boundary is the San Andrea's fault which runs through the state of California in the USA. 

Hope this helps! x
Got if from my geography book! x

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C. light
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All of the above kiddo.

b. heat
 that is why global warming melts away ice and gives us hotter weather.

Once the depth of snow and ice reaches more than 30 to 40 meters, the force of friction begins to pull a glacier downhill.True or False



EXPLANATION: Glaciers move downhill due to gravity and internal deformation. Until the thickness exceeds 50 meters, it causes plastic move which causes them to start them to move. They also move through basal sliding in which it slides over terrain, lubricated by the presence of liquid water created from ice that melts under high pressure from frictional heating.


To make this easy its false


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