If the mass of one object is tripled, and the distance between them is doubled, how does the force of gravity change?a. force is multiplied by 4
b. Force is divided 3
c. Force is multiplied 3/4
d. Force is divided 3/4


Answer 1
Answer: Force between two object is given by F = Gm1m2/r^2
If the mass of one object is tripled, and the distance between them is doubled,
then F(new) = Gm13m2/(2r)^2 = 3Gm1m2/4r^2 = 3/4 x Gm1m2/r^2 = 3/4 x F
i.e. F(new) = 3/4 multiplied by F.
Therefore, Force is multiplied by 3/4.

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A ski jumper competing for an Olympic gold medal wants to jump a horizontal distance of 135 meters. Thetakeoff point of the ski jump is at a height of 25 meters. With what horizontal speed must he leave the jump?
a. What do you know?
b. What do you need to solve for?
c. What equation(s) will you use?
d. What is the solution to this problem?


A. We know that the height (h) = 25 m, and the distance (x) = 135 m.

B. We need to find the time flight first (t), then we can find easily the horizontal velocity ( v_(x). )

C. Because this is a projectile motions, so horizontal velocity is constant, but the vertical  velocity is change because of the gravitational acceleration.
So we can use : h = (1)/(2) g t^(2),

Note : Time that will be exist is a time from a land to the takeoff point, that can be called as the time flight.
Then we use, x = v_(x) t, to find the horizontal velocity.

D. We know that :
     h = (1)/(2) g t^(2), so by insert the numbers, and assune that the (g = 10 m/s^(2)), we get that ( t = √(5). )
     After that by using  x = v_(x) t, we can get that v_(x) = 27 √(5)

Which type of electromagnetic radiation cannot be focused? A. Gamma rays  
 B. X-rays   
C. Ultraviolet 
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A child's toy consists of a spherical object of mass 50 g attached to a spring. One end of the spring is fixed to the side of the baby's crib so that when the baby pulls on the toy and lets go, the object oscillates horizontally with a simple harmonic motion. The amplitude of the oscillation is 6 cm and the maximum velocity achieved by the toy is 3.2 m/s . What is the kinetic energy K of the toy when the spring is compressed 5.1 cm from its equilibrium position?Problem-Solving Strategy: Simple Harmonic Motion II: Energy

The energy equation, E=12mvx2+12kx2=12kA2, is a useful alternative relationship between velocity and position, especially when energy quantities are also required. If the problem involves a relationship among position, velocity, and acceleration without reference to time, it is usually easier to use the equation for simple harmonic motion, ax=d2xdt2=−kmx (from Newton’s second law) or the energy equation above (from energy conservation) than to use the general expressions for x, vx, and ax as functions of time. Because the energy equation involves x2 and vx2, it cannot tell you the sign of x or of vx; you have to infer the sign from the situation. For instance, if the body is moving from the equilibrium position toward the point of greatest positive displacement, then x is positive and vx is positive.

IDENTIFY the relevant concepts

Energy quantities are required in this problem, therefore it is appropriate to use the energy equation for simple harmonic motion.

SET UP the problem using the following steps

Part A

The following is a list of quantities that describe specific properties of the toy. Identify which of these quantities are known in this problem.

Select all that apply.

Select all that apply.

maximum velocity vmax
amplitude A
force constant k
mass m
total energy E
potential energy U at x
kinetic energy K at x
position x from equilibrium

Part B

What is the kinetic energy of the object on the spring when the spring is compressed 5.1 cm from its equilibrium position?

Part C

What is the potential energy U of the toy when the spring is compressed 5.1 cm from its equilibrium position?



Part A

Mass = 50g

Vmax = 3.2m/s

Amplitude= 6cm

Position x from the equilibrium= 5.1cm

Part B

Kinetic energy = 0.185J

Part C

Potential energy = 0.185J


Kinetic energy = 1/2mv×2

Vmax = wa

w = angular velocity= 53.33rad/s

Kinetic energy = 1/2mv^2×r^2 = 0.185J

Part c

Total energy = 1/2m×Vmax^2= 0.256J

1/2KA^2= 0.256J

K= 142.22N/m (force constant)

Potential energy = 1/2kx^2


= 0.185J

Final answer:

To find the kinetic energy of the toy, we need to use the energy equation for simple harmonic motion and the relationship between velocity and position. We can then substitute the known values to calculate the kinetic energy.


In this problem, we are given the amplitude (A) of the oscillation and the maximum velocity (vmax) achieved by the toy. We need to find the kinetic energy (K) of the toy when the spring is compressed 5.1 cm from its equilibrium position.

To solve for the kinetic energy, we can use the energy equation for simple harmonic motion: K = 1/2mvx2, where m is the mass of the object and vx is the velocity of the object at position x. The mass of the object is given as 50 g, which is equal to 0.05 kg.

Since we know the maximum velocity (vmax = 3.2 m/s), we can use the relationship between velocity and position in simple harmonic motion to find the velocity (vx) at a displacement of 5.1 cm from the equilibrium position. The velocity and position in simple harmonic motion are related by vx = ±ω√(A2 - x2), where ω is the angular frequency of the motion.

Substituting the known values into the equations, we can calculate the kinetic energy of the toy.

Learn more about Simple Harmonic Motion here:



Terrane accretion generally occurs along a ________ boundary between a continental plate and an oceanic plate.


Terrane accretion generally occurs along a convergent boundary between a continental plate and an oceanic plate.

Terrane accretion occur at convergent plate boundaries, however, it may be possible for a terrane to be brought from an exotic location along a transform plate boundary.
Additionally, it is also likely for a new divergent plate boundary to develop that rifts a continent apart.

An oxygen atom picks up two additional, free floating electrons. Is the charge of the newly formed oxygen ion positive, negative or neutral?


Answer:The newly formed oxygen ion is negatively charged.


Cation : These are species of ions which carries positive charge that is number of protons are greater than the number of electrons.

Anion:These are species of ions which carries negative charge that is number of electrons are greater than the number of protons.

O+2e^-\rightarrow O^(2-)

When an oxygen atom gains two electrons it develops the charge of negative charge and forms anion.

i  believe it would be negative as electrons carry negative energy

hope this helps :)