B. countries ruled by strict sharia law
The Cairo Conference was held in Cairo from November 22 to 26, 1943. It characterized the partnered position against Japan amid World War II and settled on decisions about the eventual fate of post-war Asia. Going to the gathering were President Franklin Roosevelt for the United States, Prime Minister Winston Churchill for the United Kingdom, and Chiang Kai-shek for the Republic of China.
The meeting gave the political diagram to British administration in both Iraq and Transjordan, and in offering these two areas to the Hashimite sons of Sharif Husayn ibn Ali of the Hijaz, Churchill trusted that the spirit, if not the letter, of Britain's wartime guarantees to the Arabs would be fulfilled.
They had different climates and natural resources of Africa which gave them opportunities for developing many different lifestyles. Around 500 b.c., the people of West Africa had iron-making technology which helped a lot in many different ways.
The Tsar Nicholas II created the October Manifesto.
In 1905, Nicholas II, facing the Russian Revolution of 1905, created the October Manifesto. This document was to serve as a Constitution, guaranteen civil liberties like freedom of speech and press.
It's Separate but equal