For this, you have to calculate LCM of denominators i.e., 7 and 11 that will be 77
Now, 77/7 = 11, so 4*11=44 & 77/11 = 7, so 6*7=42
44/77 and 42/77 is the answer
To get a common denominator for the fractions 4/7 and 6/11, we find the least common multiple of 7 and 11, which is 77. The fraction 4/7 becomes 44/77 when both numerator and denominator are multiplied by 11, and the fraction 6/11 becomes 42/77 when both are multiplied by 7.
In simple terms, a common denominator is found by identifying the least common multiple (LCM) of the denominators you are working with. In this instance, we are facing two fractions: 4/7 and 6/11. The LCM of 7 and 11 is 77, because 7 and 11 are both prime numbers and prime numbers only have one common multiple - their product.
So, you can rewrite these fractions as follows:
a is a pentagon and the angles inside are 108°
b is an octagon with angles of 135°
b = 1/2, -12.5
Step-by-step explanation:
13 = |2b+12|
Case 1:
13 = |2b+12|
13 = 2b + 12
1 = 2b
b = 1/2
Case 2:
13 = |2b+12|
13 = - (2b + 12)
13 = -2b - 12
25 = -2b
b = -12.5
So, the answer is b = 1/2 & -12.5