Where is the question........?????
Recordemos que el verbo ser es un verbo irregular.
La diferencia es que tienen diferente vocabulario que tiene el mismo significado y tienen diferente acento.
pone or puso
Pone means put
Puso means put (but in the past tense)
So it could go either way :)
to comb one's hair
to put on
to become (* adi)
to worry (about)
to try on
to stay
to take of
to dry oneselt)
to sit down
to feel
to get dressed
2.- “Hombres necios que acusáis a la mujer sin razón sin ver que sois la ocasión de lo mismo que culpáis”.
3.- “Triunfante quiero ver al que me mata; y mato a quien me quiere ver triunfante”.
4.- “Todos aquellos que se eligen por algún medio para algún fin, se tienen por de menor aprecios que el fin a que se dirigen”.
Answer: What do these phrases mean?
1. I do not study to know more, but to ignore less ”.
2.- "Foolish men who accuse women without reason without seeing that you are the occasion of the same thing that you blame."
3.- “Triumphant I want to see the one who kills me; and I kill whoever wants to see me triumphant ”.
4.- "All those who are chosen by some means for some purpose, are considered less appreciated than the end to which they are directed."