What caused the U.S war with Tripoli during the Jefferson presidency? Select ALL that apply.Tripoli was outraged at what it believed were unfair American trade practices

American forces seized several North African ports.

The United States refused to pay Tripoli a tribute to guarantee safe passage for American ships.

Pirates from the Barbary States attacked American ships.


Answer 1


The United States refused to pay Tripoli a tribute to guarantee safe passage for American ships.

Pirates from the Barbary States attacked American ships.


Tripoli is located on the north part of Africa. Since it's directly bordered the ocean route, United States traders had no choice but to pass through this territory if they want to distribute their products to the rest of African region.

Tripoli knew this and require American Ships to pay some sort of "Tribute" if they wanted to pass their territory. Officials in Jefferson presidency saw this as an act of harassment and refuse to pay it.

As a result, Tripoli "look the other way" when the Pirates who operated in their territory attacked American Ships. This is why the war between US and Tripoli started.

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if u subtract u get 64 12 yes yea

Personality traits determine



Personality traits reflect people's characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

Final answer:

Personality traits are enduring patterns of behavior, thought, and emotion, that influence how we interact with the world. They provide a useful framework for understanding and predicting behavior and form the basis for psychological research and therapy.


Personality traits are often defined as enduring patterns of behavior, thought, and emotion. Generally, these are considered to be relatively stable over time and across different social situations. They significantly influence our interactions with the world and impact our thoughts, behaviors, and feelings. For instance, a person with a dominant personality trait of extroversion is likely to enjoy social gatherings and seek out interaction with others, whereas a person high in introversion may prefer quiet environments and solitary activities.

The exact impact of personality traits can be difficult to determine because they interact with each other and with the person's environment in complex ways. They do, however, provide a useful framework for understanding and predicting an individual's behavior. The personality traits also provide a basis for psychological research and the selection and development of interventions aimed at fostering personality growth and change.

Learn more about Personality Traits here:



In their moments together winston thinks he understands the force that will destroy big brother. what is that force?


Big Brother is known as the state of mind based on belief in total obedience to someone else's authority and the administration of that way of thinking through the oppression of one's subordinates.

During his encounter with Julia, there is a brief episode in which he believes to understand the force that will destroy Big Brother. This force is none other than Love and Loyalty. These concepts can be considered as the antithesis of oppression when you compare the actions a leader may apply over his or her subordinates.

Appeals designed to arouse negative emotions are called what kind of appeals?



Fear Appeal


The appeal to fear is the fallacy in which one tries to convince someone of something using fear, usually with threats. The goal of a fear campaign can be achieved by using tools such as strong images, threatening slogans, songs, or anything else that arouses negative emotions.

The appeal to fear is effective precisely because it reduces our ability to reason, as it gives us unpleasant sensations and the more uncomfortable we are, the more unable to reason critically we become.

The appeal to fear is widely used in cigarette advertisements, which show images of people with serious health problems caused by smoking, for example.

Fear Appeal would be your answer.

An English professor asks her students who their favorite character is in the novel they are reading. What is the level of measurement of the data?





This question is missing its options. The options for this question are:

a) Nominal

b) Ordinal

c) Ratio

d) Interval

In statistics and research, there are different types of data. One of these types of data is the nominal data.

Nominal variables or data are variables that don't have any quantitative or numerical value. In other words, they usually refer to categories or names.

In this example, a professor asks her students who their favorite character in a novel is. We can see that the names of the characters don't have any numerical value and the possible options are names. Therefore, this would be a nominal measurement of the data.

Answer: nominal data


Nominal data is the process used to label variables without providing any quantitative value. This can be use to label series of value, In statistics, there are four data measurement scales: nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio

Which early church school of biblical interpretation favored a literal understanding of genesis 1?


The early church school of biblical interpretation that favored a literal understanding of genesis 1 is Alexandria. The Christian school of Alexandria is considered to be the oldest Christian religious school around the world and the early school that has the interpretation that favors genesis 1.