Why won't the oil and water stay mixed if you stir them?


Answer 1


oil weighs less than water


its a density thing

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which of the following mutations would be most likely to improve the chances that an organism would survive and reproduce? F. a stronger scent that makes an animal easier to find G.a weaker scent that makes a flower less attractive to bees H.weaker eyesight that makes an animal less likely to find prey I.stronger leg muscles that allow an animal to jump away from danger


I. stronger leg muscles that allow an animal to jump away from danger. 

All the others dont benefit the organism in one way or another.

I. Humans which of these is a vestigial structure


Ok idk if there was a picture that was supposed to go with that cause I don't see one but here are some vestigial structures in humans: Appendix, Pinky toe (debatable possible used for balance) , ear muscles, tail bone, wisdom teeth, nictitating membrane, male nipples (sorry to be gross), and goosebumps. Those are the ones I can remember. Hope this helps!

Cellular respiration is best associated with the: A.) Golgi apparatus. B.) ribosome. C.) mitochondrion. D.) chloroplast. E.) microtubule.





Cellular respiration is best associated with the organelle mitochondrion.

Final answer:

Cellular respiration is associated with the mitochondria, where cells generate energy by breaking down glucose and other food molecules


Cellular respiration is best associated with the mitochondrion (option C). This is an important cellular process that enables cells to generate energy by breaking down glucose and other food molecules in the presence of oxygen. The mitochondria in our cells carry out this process, converting the chemical energy in food to a form the cell can use. While the Golgi apparatus, ribosome, chloroplast, and microtubule have crucial roles within the cell, they are not directly related to or responsible for cellular respiration.

Learn more about Cellular Respiration here:



Which of the following is an unsegmented animal with a free-swimming larval stage? A. flatworm. B. annelid. C. mollusk. D. echinoderm


The answer is C. mollusk.

Among the all choices, echinoderm and annelid are segmented animals. So, it leaves flatworm and mollusk as possible answer. However, flatworms have no a free-swimming larval stage. Mollusk is an 
unsegmented animal with a free-swimming larval stage we were looking for. After eggs production, from them trochophore larvae can emerge. This trochophore larvae is planctonic which means it is a free-swimming.

What characteristic is shared by birds, salamanders, and sharks? A. Four limbs
B. Jaws and paired appendages
C. Endothermy
D. Lungs


C. Endothermy

Are not the characteristics:
A. Four limbs 
B. Jaws and paired appendages 
D. Lungs

Hemophilia is a recessive disorder found on the X chromosome of males abd females. Patricia is a healthy carrier of hemophilia and Sam is completely healthy. Compete the Punnett squre below.


XH Xh (carrier)

XH / XHXH XHXh (carrier)

Y /XHY XhY (has hemophilia)

X represents the X chromosome and Y represents the Y chromosome which males have. H represents the dominant trait (healthy) and h represents the recessive (hemophilia)