George VI
hijrah means: departure or migration it is also known as the migration of Muhammad
hijrah is the journey the prophet Muhammad along with his followers made from mecca to yathrib
that is how it is connected to islam
hope that helped!
B. Pennsylvania
C. Virginia
D. Delaware
Cuneiform was a form of early communication used in the Fertile Crescent region. The last option is correct.
Cuneiform or Sumerian cuneiform, refers to one of the earliest systems of writing invented by the Sumerians. It is distinguished by its wedge-shaped marks on clay tablets, made by means of a blunt reed for a stylus. The term cuneiform means "wedge shaped". It was created seeking to to convey the Sumerian language.
B) Governments are needed to control weak human nature
C) Humans can perfect themselves through reason
D) All humans have natural rights
The correct answer is D) All humans have natural rights.
John Locke was an Enlightenment thinker who advocated for the idea of inalienable rights. In Locke's famous work Two Treaties of Government he discussed several important political topics including the idea the right to rule is given by the consent of the governed. Along with this, Locke discussed the idea of inalienable rights. Inalienable rights (aka natural rights) are all rights that humans have that cannot be taken away by a government.
This idea is implemented in America's founding document, as Jefferson took Locke's idea and put it into the Declaration of Independence. In our Declaration of Independence it states that all men have natural rights including "life, liberty, and the pursuity of happyness."