no sé ocupo puntos perdón
Fernando y Víctor: Queremos comprar los electrodomésticos para nuestro apartamento.
3. (decir) todo lo que piensa hacer hoy.
4. (beber) No demasiado en la fiesta.
5. (venir) preparado para pasarlo bien.
6. (irse) No sin probar la langosta de Maine. Ustedes
7. (comer) No con la boca abierta.
8. (oír) música clásica en casa.
9. (poner) No los codos (elbows) en la mesa.
10. (traer) un regalo a la fiesta de cumpleaños.
11. (ver) programas de televisión educativos.
12. (conducir) con precaución (caution) por la ciudad.
Agudas: (tienen el acento en la última sílaba): balcón, cayó, ciempiés, está, facilitó, gasté, haré, inglés, jamás.
Graves: (tienen el acento en la penúltima sílaba): frágil, inútil
Esdrújulas: (tienen el acento en la antepenúltima sílaba): báscula, cáscara, dóciles, espléndido, fáciles. género, hábito, íntegro, jóvenes.
Sin clasificación para este efecto, pues no tienen acento: elegido, decir, elegir, elefante, favor, gustar, gente, hallar, herida, impedir, justicia, jugar, instante, boxear, bocina, carpeta, cocinar.
The three objectives of the field research produced were:
1. Achieve the number of goods
To know how many products will be produced and marketed.
2. Achieve the quality of goods.
Know the quality provisions of the goods to be sold. For example, the basic ingredients used are original, mixed or imitation. So, if the components are assembled pure or mixed
3. Reach the target market
To find out how many markets will be supplied, including how many distribution channels, to what extent distribution channels and others will be supplied.
A target market is a group of consumers that focus on the company's approach to buying the product that is sold. In short, the target market is the group that will serve as consumers. The target market generally has a vulnerable age, nature and character are almost equal.
Benefits of the target market:
Destination of the target market:
1. Expected target market achievement, to find out how many markets will be supplied, including how many distribution channels, to what extent distribution channels and others will be supplied.
2. Achievement of the number of goods, to know how many products will be produced and marketed
3. Achievement of product quality, know the quality provisions of the goods to be sold. For example, the basic ingredients used are original, mixed or imitation. So, if the components are assembled pure or mixed
4. Geographical achievement, to determine the area or region of the market, for example, the town, subdistrict, district, province, state and abroad.
Learn more
Definition of target market brainly.com/question/7271112
Benefits of the target market brainly.com/question/7271112
Grade: High School
Subject: Spanish
keywords: Target market
se acostaba
Here you want the imperfect tense to show an ongoing past action.
Ese chico es muy inteligente, y también guapo.
Estoy muy feliz porque mañana me voy de vacaciones.
Mi gato es muy malcriado.