Which is not a contributing factor to rising tensions in Spain


Answer 1





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1.nos gusta

2.le gusta

3.le gusta

4.les gusa

5.les gusta

6.les gusta

7.me gusta

8.te gusta

Which of the following sentences best translates "I write to them"?


The correct sentence that translates "I write to them," using Indirect Object Pronouns is: "les escribo."

Indirect Object Pronoun in Spanish

The indirect object pronouns, taking into acount the personal pronouns are:

  • Yo: me
  • Tú: te
  • Usted: le
  • Él: le
  • Ella: le
  • Ello: le
  • Nosotros / Nosotras: nos
  • Vosotros / Vosotras: os
  • Ustedes: les
  • Ellos / Ellas:les

To identify the appropriate IOP in each sentence, you must identify the noun in the sentence, replace it with the appropriate personal pronoun, and finally use the corresponding IOP with the help of the guide above.

If you want to learn more about Indirect Object Pronouns in Spanish, you can visit the following link: brainly.com/question/21558050


The right answer is C

Les escribo

What is an informal command


In the previous lesson, you learned that commands are used when ordering, or telling someone to do something. This is often referred to as the “imperative” form of the verb. Compra (tú) el anillo.

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 puerto rico they where sashes 
The main difference is their senior prom.

How to say cuarenta y dos in number form



Cuarenta y dos in number form is 42.

(forty two)

42 because currents is 40 plus dos is 2

Leader of La Reforma


The leader of the La Reforma is Benito Juarez. Does that help?
Benito Juarez is correct