Which two changes would increase the electric force between two charged particles


Answer 1

In electrostatics, the electrical force between two charged objects is inversely related to the distance of separation between the two objects. Increasing the separation distance between objects decreases the force of attraction or repulsion between the objects.

hope this helped

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What are examples or centripetal acceleration?


Centripetal acceleration is necessary, and is present, whenever any object
moves in a closed path, or along any part of a circular path.  Some examples
I can think of are:

-- a planet or a comet in orbit around the sun
-- a moon in orbit around a planet
-- the little ball making circles around the spinning roulette wheel
-- a stone tied to the end of a string, when you spin it around your head
-- the end of the spinning string on a weed-whacker
-- the tip of the blade of a fan or a windmill
-- any little bit of rubber on a car tire or bicycle tire, when they're moving
-- a strawberry seed spinning around the inside of the blender jar when you're
making a smoothie 
-- a car driving around a curve in the road
-- you on almost any amusement park ride;  whenever you're not moving in a
straight line, you're experiencing centripetal acceleration.
centripedal acceleration :

⇒ the moon in orbit around a planet (or the sun).
⇒ The Earth (or an other planet) in orbit around the sun.

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A.) nuclear energy.  is the answer

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B. reverse
C. transform
D. normal and reverse


I believe the answer is reverse
The answer is B. Reverse.

If you want to decrease the current created by a generator what can you do?



To decrease the current;

1) Use fewer loops or number of turns

2) Use a lower speed of rotation of the coil in the magnetic field

3) Use a weaker magnetic


According to Faraday's Law of induction, which is the basis of the electromagnetism, electromagnetic induction and therefore the basis of the  electric generator, can be written as follows;

\epsilon = -N \cdot (\Delta \phi)/(\Delta t)


ε = The induced voltage

N = The number of turns (loops)

ΔФ = The change in the magnetic flux

Δt = The change in the time (the duration)

Given that voltage is directly related to the current, decreasing the voltage, decreases the current

To decrease the voltage, and therefore, the current we can;

1) Reduce the number of loops in the coil

2) Increase the time change per unit change in flux by slowing down the speed of rotation of the generator

3) Decrease the amount of change in the magnetic field per turn, by using a weaker magnetic

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b) an electrical device

c) an electric device

d) an electronic device


I believe the correct answer from the choices listed above is option D. A device that conveys information with analog signals and digital signals is called an electronic device. They are components for controlling the flow of electrical currents for the purpose of information processing and system control.
the correct answer is D