1. How did Marie Antoinette use her rank as queen frivolously?


Answer 1

Final answer:

Marie Antoinette used her queenly rank in a frivolous manner, indulging in excessive personal luxuries, like fashion, jewelry and elaborate parties, which was particularly criticized during France's economic hardship. Her extravagant spending and perceived indifference stirred public resentment and contributed to the revolutionary spirit leading to the French Revolution.


Marie Antoinette, the Queen of France, has often been criticized for her frivolous use of her royal position and wealth. Extravagant spending on personal luxuries such as fashion, jewelry, and elaborate parties, particularly during a time of economic crisis, significantly contributed to her reputation. For instance, she had the Petit Trianon, a small château on the grounds of Versailles, redecorated to her tastes, which stirred public resentment. Her perceived indifference to the economic struggles of ordinary French citizens fostered discontent, fueling the revolutionary fervour that culminated in the French Revolution.

Learn more about Marie Antoinette's frivolous use of rank here:



Answer 2

She abused her power


Marie Antoinette used to host big parties and eat a ton of cake. The poor were suffering and Marie Antoinette did not care and said "let them eat cake"!

when people could not even afford to buy bread. She was later then taken to the guillotine and had her head chopped off.

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