The two are Gi and gI and you write the capital letters first.
It is an example of enzyme activation through the pH of the environment surrounding the enzyme.
This phenomenon is called proenzyme, proenzymes are inactive enzymes that, due to chemical changes in the environment that vary, are activated or not depending on these.
Proenzymes, generally the best known or named, are found in the digestive system, where the sequential digestion of food is essential, with an order, and the enzymes must be controlled or activated at certain moments of digestion.
Proenzymes can be activated by the presence of chemicals, pH acids and even pH alkalinity, the change of the medium is what gives the enzyme permission to start with its reaction effect.
Usually this happens with enzymes that must be controlled, and that their activity must be in certain periods so as not to generate pathologies or even destroy a tissue of the organism.
When a macromolecule contains repeated similar sub units of a particular molecule:such a repeated units are called polymers.
Therefore, polyethylene is a micromolecule of repeated subunits called ethylene formed during polymerization..Therefore, the small units joined together to form polyethylene are ethylene.These are alkene hydrocarbons,which are similar in structure with the carbon atoms linked by double bonds.When the Pi bonds of the double bonds breaks. hydrogen atoms forms free covalents bonds in all these sub units.
However, polypeptides is made of of 20 different amino acids, connected by peptides, disulfide and other bonds.Therefore the protein molecules will be different from the polyethylene and polymers. This is because each of the 20 amino acids has different R-groups, and It is this R-groups that determine the functional characteristics displayed by each amino acid sub- units.Therefore, the characteristics of a protein molecule will be determine by the type of Amino acids it contains.
Thus the beads of polyethylene will be the same, but different in proteins
to not have a fever response when infected. People thatare
homozygous for the other allele (H), instead, show an
extremeresponse, and body temperature rises high. In heterozygotes
bodytemperate rises to a moderate level. Fitness values of the
threegenotypes are as follows:
0.9 1 0.8
What will be the gene frequencies of the next generation?
LH= .9
HH= .7
Please see attachment
Life is a match. Where we are born in the world to be good and righteous. If death is when our lives are powerless. After life we all must die and after death there is Eternal Life, which is the hereafter. If our deeds are right, we will definitely go to heaven. If our actions are evil, it will be hell.
#Learn withKezia^^
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macronutrients are important for growing plants. the main macronutrients are nitrogen, Potassium, and phosphorus.
The second answer.