Why is the research of alternative energy resources important?Fossil fuels are better for the environment over time.
Fossil fuels are a nonrenewable resource that won't last forever.
Alternative sources of energy produce too much pollution.


Answer 1




Answer 2


Environmental and economic benefits of using renewable energy include: Generating energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels and reduces some types of air pollution. Diversifying energy supply and reducing dependence on imported fuels.


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when you pass the foodstall you can smell what is cooking , explain why this happen by particle theory


this occurs due to diffusion, the process by which particles move freely to fill up available space. the particles of the gases (from the food)are in constant motion thus they move freely until they reach your nose

A sample of a substance has these characteristics:• melting point or 9811 K
• hard. brittle solid at room temperature
• poor conductor of heat and electricity as a solid
• good conductor of electricity as a liquid or in an aqueous solution
This sample is classified as
(1) a metallic element
(2) a radioactive element
(3) a molecular compound
(4) an ionic compound


Those characteristic belong to an ionic compountd. Ionic compounds have strong bonds between their atoms (ionic bond is the strongest molecular bond) which conferes this kind of compounds high melting point, wich 9811 K is. Ionic compounds do not transmit current, because they do not have free electrons, like metals do, then they are poor conductors as solid. Ionic compounds dissolve in water into ions which are charges that can move, becoming then good conductors. The structure of ionic compound is a net of cristals which make them hard and brittle. Then, the answer i s option (4) an ionic compound.


an ionic compound


Which is the FALSE statement about Cl-? A. It is a cation.
B. It is an anion.
C. It has gained an electron.
D. It has more electrons than protons.


The answer is:
A. It is a cation
d is false in this statement

Some people think that wind power should be used for all the electricity in the United States. Which argument could be used to dispute this idea?



The arguments that could be used to challenge the idea of ​​using wind power to provide electricity to the whole country is that there is a difficulty in capturing wind, wind power causes visual and sound impacts, as well as an impact on fauna.


Wind energy is a widely used method for obtaining power through wind power, which drives windmill and windmill-like mechanisms connected to a generator that produces electricity.

The main advantage of wind energy is that it is considered a clean energy, that is, obtained from renewable sources and without generating any kind of polluting waste during its production and consumption.

Although wind energy is one of the best options for obtaining energy from renewable and clean sources, it is possible to see some negative points of this technique. These negative points are:

  • Difficulty catching wind: Because it is totally dependent on wind and air currents, it is possible that an unfavorable climate will compromise production;
  • Visual Impact: The installation of wind turbines can cause major changes in the landscape, either due to the space required to install the equipment or the size of the necessary mechanisms;
  • Animal Impact: Modifications related to the installation of wind energy equipment change the habitat of several animals, especially migratory birds, so that they have to adapt;
  • Sound impact: Wind energy production is very noisy, which can frighten animals and disrupt the daily lives of people living in areas near the wind farm.

There might not be ample enough wind to power all the electricity in the United States and in some places there might not be wind at all so people wouldn't be able to have electricity.

What do chemical compound and mixture have in common


Compounds and mixtures are both made up of one or more elements. 
Compound and Mixture also have Homogeneous Composition

Not chemistry but I need help. Someone plz answer these


9.Each lichen is made up of a fungus (usually an ascomycete) and an alga (green or blue-green). 14.It is a member of the group of diseases known as tinea. 7.Most fungi prefer moist locations, but again there are exceptions, such as the fungi that grow on dried grains. 10.A sac, typically cylindrical in shape, in which the spores of ascomycete fungi develop. 11.A microscopic, club-shaped spore-bearing structure produced by certain fungi. 12.(in ferns and lower plants) a receptacle in which asexual spores are formed. 13.Yeast cells thrive on simple sugars. As the sugars are metabolized, carbon dioxide and alcohol are released into the bread dough, making it rise. 8.Never pick and eat wild mushrooms unless they've been identified by an expert! ... Cooking doesn't make a poisonous mushroom safe. In fact, you can be poisoned by breathing in the cooking fumes from some poisonous mushrooms. Even non-poisonous mushrooms can cause unpleasant reactions in people who are sensitive to them. 6.Saprophytes play an important role in soil biology. They break down dead and decaying organic matter into simple substances that can be taken up and recycled by plants. ... Saprophytic fungi use enzymes to decompose biologic material. Parasitic fungi destroy bacteria and other pathogens.