more than 400 different models
999 different types of cars in the wrld
effective and efficient operations.
compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
Internal control is designed to ensure all of the items described in the answers.
Internal Control is designed to ensure all of the items described in the answer.
Internal control refers to the control measures adopted by an entity so as to ensure compliance with legal framework, check frauds and errors and for reliable financial reporting.
Compliance procedures are the processes designed to check whether internal controls exist in an organization and if they do, whether such controls are operating effectively.
For e.g biometric authentication with regard to attendance keeps a check on the number of employees actually working during a period and eliminates the possibility of dummy names in the attendance records. This is an example of internal control i.e control measures created by organization itself.
Internal control in a business context refers to the procedures set in place to ensure reliable financial reporting, efficient operations, and compliance with laws and regulations. These controls help in the smooth running of the business, providing accurate financial information, and abiding by legal requirements.
Internal control is a crucial concept in the domain of accounting and business. It refers to the procedures and methods implemented by a company to ensure the achievement of its objectives, which include - reliable financial reporting, efficient and effective operations, and compliance with relevant laws and regulations.
The procedures for reliable financial reporting involve making sure that financial records are accurate and complete. This is important for both internal decision-making and for providing trustworthy information to investors, creditors, and regulators.
Efficient and effective operations refer to the smooth running of the business without wastage of resources, while maximizing profits. Finally, compliance with laws and regulations refers to abiding by the legal and regulatory requirements imposed by government bodies and agencies on businesses.
The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is probably the most famous international cartel in the world. They set limits in their petroleum production in order to increase oil price or keep oil price artificial high.
But sometimes even they have problems deciding on what limits they should establish. When a member country needs more money due to an specific event, like Ecuador that is suffering from a recession, the other countries will not be willing to allow Ecuador to export more oil, but Ecuador might decide to do it anyways. The same happens when conflicts arise in the Middle East and some countries want to sell more oil than what they are allowed.
Phishing emails are fraudulent emails that trick individuals into giving out personal or sensitive information. They usually demand urgent action, include clickable links to fake websites or contain attachments with malware, and appear to be from a reliable source.
Virtually all "phishing" emails have in common is that they are fraudulent emails trying to trick the recipient into providing sensitive information like passwords, credit card numbers, or bank account information. These emails typically appear to come from a reliable, familiar source. They often contain deceptive content such as an urgent message requiring immediate action, clickable links leading to fake websites, or attachments containing malware. For example, a phishing email might claim to be from your bank, asking you to click a link to confirm your personal information. However, the link directs you to a fake website designed to capture your details.
Market allocation.
Market allocation refers to a form of horizontal trade arrangement in which various competitors decide to limit their respective business practices to particular aspects such as particular territories, specified products, particular regional zones, and specific set of customers. Therefore, market allocation provides competitors the opportunity to establish large channels of local monopolies. As per the question, Tremont establish monopoly in that area and it unfairly limits the options of customers.
B. A case where a caterer refuses to enter a condemned building to provide food to a Halloween party.
C. A case where a liquidated (pre-determined) damages payment in a contract was excessively disproportionate to the injury.
D. A case where an employer was sued for forcing employees to work in unsafe conditions.
B. A case where a caterer refuses to enter a condemned building to provide food to a Halloween party.
The doctrine of legal precedent (stare decisis) is used in most common law systems as a way to provide stability and predictability to legal decisions. Under this doctrine, a legal case can set a "precedent" that creates a principle or a rule. This rule is then used in future cases that significantly resemble the previous one in terms of context and facts.
d. A case where a liquidated (pre-determined) damages payment in a contract was excessively disproportionate to the injury.
Law student