Which unit of measurement is included in the International System of Unit! (si)?


Answer 1


See the explanation below


There are several measures for the international system of measures. Let's name some and their representation symbol.

meter = [m]

time = [s] = seconds

mass = [kg] = kilograms

Temperature = [°C] = celcius degrees

Power = [W] = watts.

Force = [N] = Newtons

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Answer:9.82 m


As we know from equation of motion

S=v*t +0.5 a t^2

Know s=H/2

a =9.82



Plugging the values


H=9.82 m




a. 10.2 N b. 1.73 c. 58.8 N d. 10.2 N


a. The force that will make the block slide down the plane

This is the component of the block's weight along the plane F = mgsinθ where m = mass of block = 1.2 kg, g = 9.8 m/s² and θ = angle of incline = 60°.

So, F = mgsinθ = 1.2 kg × 9.8  m/s² × sin60°.= 10.18 N ≅ 10.2 N

b. The coefficient of friction

The coefficient of friction, μ = tanθ = tan60° = 1.73

c. The normal reaction.

This is equal to the vertical component of the block's weight. So, F = mgcosθ. Substituting the values for the variables from above, we have

F = mgcosθ = 1.2 kg × 9.8  m/s² × cos60°.= 58.8 N

d. The frictional force

Since the block does not slide, there is no net force on it. If f is the frictional force, then

F - f = ma. Since a = acceleration = 0,

F - f = 0

f = F = mgsinθ = 1.2 kg × 9.8  m/s² × sin60°.= 10.18 N ≅ 10.2 N

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