Addiction is *
1 point
Always healthy
Good for you


Answer 1
Answer: Slavery !!!!! Hope this helps
Answer 2




Addiction is like a chemical slavery.

Addiction is not cheap, if anything it is what keeps you spending your money.

It is never healthy and is definitely not good for you.


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The Surgeon General's principal function is to serve as spokesperson on matters of public health and to advise the Secretary of Health and Human Services. However the position is challenging in the following respects:


Answer: The Surgeon general functions maximally over matters relating to public health care and human services. Though the following are some of the challenges faced by the surgeon general and well listed in the explanation.


The Surgeon General's principal function is to serve as spokesperson on matters of public health and to advise the Secretary of Health and Human Services. However the position is challenging in the following respects:

1. There is lack of agreement on the plans of the Public health missions.

2. There is shortage of capacity to carry out the essential Public health functions of assessment, policy development and assurance of services.

3.The position faces lack of order and organisation in terms of decision-making without necessary data and knowledge.

4. It also faces unfairness in the distribution of services and the benefits of public health.

5. They face barriers on effective leaderships, including poor interaction among the technical and political aspects of decisions, rapid turnover of leaders, and inadequate relationships with the medical profession.

6. They faces organizational detachments or divisions.

7. They faces problems in relationships among the several levels of government.

8. There is inadequacies in acquiring the necessary knowledge across the full array of public health needs.

9. The poor public image of public health affects their reputation, inhibiting necessary support and special problems that limit unduly the financial resources available to public health.

If someone is making a decision using the additive strategy, he or she would eliminate alternatives based on their attributes. true or flase





During the decision-making process, some strategies can be taken to help the individual make the best decision for a given situation.

One of these strategies is called "additive strategy" that allows the individual to separate all possible decision options and evaluate each one of them by giving a note that shows whether that decision is more positive or negative related to a given situation. Then this individual compares the grades, and can see the option that was most positive in relation to the others.

this is false guys ========

What is the most important skill to practice when a friend asks you to keep a secret?


don't tell no boby you secret no matter what
You cant tell anyone.

Hope this helps.

How often should you use deep, relaxing breathing techniques? A. Only during periods of stress
B. No more than twice a day
C. Only when you've gotten enough sleep
D. Every day


The answer is letter D.

Deep and relaxing breathing techniquescontribute to a stable physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual developmentin individuals. Allotting at least 10 minutes of everyday to perform thismethod induces relaxation and improves focus in individuals. This practiceallows the mind to get out of an anxious state and transition into a calm andpeaceful one. Meditations paired with stretching exercises are also beneficialto overall health. The practice of yoga is known to address many physicalailments in the body as well as of the mind.

Deep, relaxing breathing techniques can be beneficial when practiced every day.

Option (D) is correct

Incorporating these techniques into your daily routine can help manage stress, improve relaxation, and enhance overall well-being. Daily practice enables individuals to build resilience and coping skills, making it easier to deal with stressful situations as they arise.

Breathing exercises are simple, accessible, and can be done at any time, making them easy to integrate into daily life. They don't require any special equipment or supervision, allowing people to practice them independently and reap the benefits regularly.

Furthermore, consistent use of deep, relaxing breathing techniques contributes to improved focus, emotional regulation, and better sleep quality. By making these techniques a part of your daily routine, you can experience long-term positive effects on both mental and physical health, leading to a more balanced and relaxed lifestyle.

To learn more about breathing techniques here


List 10 foods which belong to the protective food group stating reason for your choice




spinach, mango, carrot, papaya, milk, lemaon, tomato, green vegetables, broccoli, cantaloup

Final answer:

Milk, eggs, leafy greens, citrus fruits, berries, fatty fish, nuts and seeds, yogurt, tomatoes, and quinoa are all protectivefoods due to their various nutritionalbenefits.


  1. Milk: Milk is a protective food as it is rich in calcium and protein, which are essential for bone development and growth.
  2. Eggs: Eggs contain high-quality protein and essential vitamins and minerals, making them a great protective food choice.
  3. Leafy greens: Vegetables like spinach, kale, and lettuce are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, providing protection against several diseases.
  4. Citrus fruits: These fruits, such as oranges and grapefruits, are packed with vitamin C, which boosts the immune system and protects against infections.
  5. Berries: Berries, like blueberries and strawberries, are rich in antioxidants, protecting the body against damage from free radicals.
  6. Fatty fish: Fish like salmon and tuna are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which support brain health and protect against heart disease.
  7. Nuts and seeds: These are excellent sources of healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals, providing protection against several chronic diseases.
  8. Yogurt: Yogurt contains beneficial bacteria that support the gut microbiome and enhance immune function.
  9. Tomatoes: Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that helps protect against certain cancers.
  10. Quinoa: Quinoa is a complete protein source and provides essential amino acids for growth and development.

Learn more about Protective food group here:


Statistically speaking, mental health problems are at their peak during a person's:


I believe that it would be the eldest age.
Hopefully, I helped!