3. An example of a secular law code is
the 10 commandments.
Is it true or false?


Answer 1
Answer: this statement is false

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The Yuan dynasty imposed strict racial segregation in China, but it allowed a great degree of religious freedom, except for Daoism.

Yuan dynasty was very strict in terms of racism since it almost had no tolerance for the people who married someone other than their own race. However, Yuan dynasty granted their people freedom to choose their own religion.

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The actions of Commodore Perry to seal Japan 
away from world trade

Which place made controlling and using floodwaters a key responsibility of the government? a. Egypt
b. Mesopotamia
c. Both
d. Neither


It was in Both Egypt and Mesopotamia that controlling and using floodwaters was a key responsibility of the government, since these waters were used as crucial irrigation sources for surrounding crops. 

the answer to your question is c. both

List all the 8 characteristics of a civilization.



cities, organized central governments, complex religions, job specialization, social classes, arts and architecture, public works and writing


correct me if im wrong.

Planned changes in the nation’s budget that are meant to influence the economy are called __________.A.

monetary policy

fiscal policy

budget resolutions

government bonds



The Correct Answer is B

Fiscal policy


  • Fiscal policy attracts Growth, Investment or Saving in the long period while in the short period Fiscal policy affects the aggregate demand.
  • Fiscal policy is the choice of the government in dealing with, on what to spend and how much, and how spending would be funded. Fiscal policy is the action to the overall choices of the government regarding purchases or taxes.
the answer is b fiscal policy

Which four principles does the United Nations Global Compact for multinational corporations address?


Actually, it's 10 principles, but they're divided into 4 sections:

1. human rights: Support  internationally proclaimed human rights and   Make sure you are not complicit in human rights abuses.

2. Labour Standards:  the freedom of association; the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour;  abolition of child labour;  the elimination of discrimination in employment and occupation.

3. Environment Protection: support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;  promote environmental responsibility; encourage environmentally friendly technologies.

4.  work against corruption

the answer is b on e2020