Shhhh! Stop making noise change into interrogative sentence


Answer 1
Answer: “Shhhhh! Can you stop making noise?”

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Please help me answer these question. I major help from someone who knows about fiction.1. Why does the Governor wish to take Pearl away from Hester, according to Chapter 8 of The Scarlet Letter?A. The Governor feels that Hester hasn't been punished enough for her sins, so he wants to take Pearl from her as further punishment.B. He feels that Hester is not fit to be her mother because she lacks morals and values.C. Children weren't allowed to be raised by single parents, so he has been instructed to take Pearl from her, according to Puritan law.D. He is concerned that Hester cannot afford to feed the child, so he wants to put Pearl with a family that can.2. How does the Governor's house contrast and contradict the simplicity of Puritan values, as described in Chapter 7 of The Scarlet Letter?A. Hester finds the Governor's house so ornate that she doesn't know how to act, which is contradictory because she has been there many times.B. The Governor's house is very simple and plain, which seems out of place for a person in such authority.C. It seems strange that the Governor has such a small home when he's the head of a colony of people.D. It's ironic that the Governor's home is so beautiful and ornate when so many Puritans believed in simplicity.3. Why does the town interpret the A in the sky to stand for Angel, based on Chapter 12 of The Scarlet Letter?A. The town sees the A as an angel who is sent to bring them penance.B. The town believes that they're being punished for being so immoral, and an angel has come to save them.C. They feel that an angel is watching over their town because of all the sinning that has taken place.D. Governor Winthrop had died that evening, so they believe the A stands for the angel into which he was turned.4. As stated in paragraph 1 of Chapter 10 of The Scarlet Letter, what changes Roger Chillingworth over the years from a sweet man to a bitter old man?A. He is changed by his conversion to the Puritan faith.B. Chillingworth has been changed by being separated from Hester.C. His mission to discover the truth of what happenedD. He has been changed by his work.5. What does Hawthorne mean with the phrase, "the scarlet letter had not done its office" in Chapter 13 of The Scarlet Letter?A. The letter cripples Hester with guilt.B. Rather than make Hester remorseful, it causes her to oppose Puritan values.C. Hester hasn't worn the letter long enough for her to feel guilty for her sins.D. The scarlet letter doesn't make Hester feel guilty for what she has done.6. As stated in Chapter 1 of The Scarlet Letter, why isn't Hester executed for her crime?A. She is the wife of the town minister.B. She fights back against the men too strongly.C. Her crime isn't punishable by death.D. She is too young and fair.7. What lie does Hester tell Pearl about her scarlet letter in Chapter 16 of The Scarlet Letter?A. Hester tells Pearl that she has always worn the scarlet letter, even since birth.B. Hester tells Pearl that it is the mark of the Black Man.C. Hester explains to Pearl that it's a great honor for her to wear the letter.D. Hester tells Pearl that she was selected by the town to wear the letter as a reward for being so pure.8. What is symbolic about Pearl playing in the sunlight of the forest in Chapter 16 of The Scarlet Letter?A. The sunlight symbolizes the light of Pearl compared to the darkness of her parents and their sin.B. The sunlight is symbolic of Pearl being accepted into the light of Heaven.C. The sunlight is symbolic of the sun shining light on a new day in their lives.D. The sunlight symbolizes that Pearl is the light of Hester's life.9. What inference can the reader make as to why Hester Prynne's daughter would turn her head away from the daylight, based on the following passage from Chapter 2 of The Scarlet Letter? "She bore in her arms a child, a baby of some three months old, who winked and turned aside its little face from the too vivid light of day; because its existence, heretofore, had brought it acquainted only with the gray twilight of a dungeon, or other darksome apartment of the prison." A. The baby didn't know how to respond to the noise from the crowd.B. The child is too young to respond to the daylight, and is shocked when she sees it for the first time.C. The baby, being considered an impure demon due to her scandalous birth, is rejecting the sunlight.D. The child had been born and raised inside of the prison, so wasn't used to the bright, natural daylight.

Which sentence demonstrates the correct use of an apostrophe? A sea star is an echinoderm because it’s body has five sections that are arranged around a central disk. Sea stars spine's are made of calcium carbonate plates, which protect the creature from birds, fish, and sea otters. Close observers will notice that, though sea stars appear to float, they’re actually propelled by tiny tube feet. Sea stars have an amazing ability to drop their arms when threatened by a predator—but then regenerate new one’s.



Close observers will notice that, though sea stars appear to float, they’re actually propelled by tiny tube feet.





What is the perspective of the "Equal Pay Bill" letter?A. Federal law should create guidelines for equal pay.
B. Women should not be paid as much as men.
C. More should be done to create equality in pay.
D. Women and men should be paid the same.


Women and men should be paid the same is the perspective of the "Equal Pay Bill" letter. the correct option is D.

What is feminism?

Feminism is a social and political movement that advocates for gender equality and aims to end discrimination, oppression, and the patriarchal structures that perpetuate gender inequality.

Feminism seeks to promote the rights of all individuals regardless of their gender, and to create a world where everyone has access to the same opportunities and resources.

At its core, feminism seeks to address issues such as the wage gap, unequal access to education and job opportunities, gender-based violence, and reproductive rights.

Feminism acknowledges that gender inequality is not only a problem for women, but for people of all genders, and seeks to create a more equitable society for everyone.

Feminism can take many different forms and be expressed in a variety of ways, from political activism to academic research, art, and literature.

thus the correct option is D.

Learn more about Feminism here :


Answer:women shouldn’t make as much as men


I am stealing book change passive voice



the book is being stolen by me

This is reading misplaced modifiers if your good at this help me quick


Kayla watched the dogs play in her pyjamas.

which sentence has a gerund functioning as an object of a preposition? They thanked us exuberantly for meeting with them to discuss the deal.



"Which sentence?" you ask.  I'm confused. You only provided one sentence, and that sentence does have a gerund functioning as an object of a preposition!

They thanked us exuberantly for meeting with them to discuss the deal.


Did you intend to ask someone to identify the gerund that is functioning as the object of a preposition??? If so, then .....

                                               prep.  gerund

They thanked us exuberantly for meeting with them to discuss the deal.


A. They thanked us exuberantly for meeting with them to discuss the deal.


EDG 2021:)

Describe the purpose of copyright.​


The purpose of copyright is to provide legal protection and recognition to the creators of original works.

It grants exclusive rights to the creators or owners of literary, artistic, musical, or other creative works, allowing them to control how their works are used, reproduced, distributed, performed, or displayed.

The primary goals of copyright are:

Encouraging Creativity: Copyright promotes the creation of new works by providing creators with the incentive and assurance that they can benefit from their creative endeavors.

It rewards and acknowledges the efforts and investment put into the creation of original works.

Protection of Intellectual Property: Copyright safeguards the rights of creators and provides a legal framework to protect their intellectual property from unauthorized use, copying, or exploitation.

Learn more about copyright here:



Sample Response On Edge 2021:


The purpose of copyright is to encourage creators of works to contribute to the advancement of human knowledge and culture. This is done by allowing the creators complete control over the copying and distribution of those creations for a limited period of time.

Merry Christmas :)