How does in vitro fertilization work? A. The sperm are "washed" to remove the unhealthy ones and then are placed directly in the uterus. B. Several eggs taken from a woman and sperm from a man are put together in a lab situation. C. Medicines that boost ovulation are given to stimulate the ovaries to release multiple eggs at one time.


Answer 1

Answer: B:


Answer 2


the correct answer is B


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How many chromosomes Does a human sex cell contain?
The karyotype gamete contains 23 chromosomes, while the normal cells contain 46.

22 pairs of homologous chromosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes, for a total of 23 pairs.(46)

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Answer: it is caused by cardiac arrest and could be treated with CPR and defribillation


Cardiac arrest is a sudden loss of unciousness because of sudden loss of heart function and breathing. This is exactly what happened to the middle age man.

Cardiac arrest can be treated by performing CPR and defibrillation.

''Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is an emergency procedure that combines chest compressions with artificial ventilation in an effort to manually preserve intact brain function until further measures are taken to restore spontaneous blood circulation and breathing in a person who is in cardiac arrest.'',(wikipedia)

This nutrient is needed for proper growth and development. a. fats b. carbohydrates c. protein d. minerals


Our body needs all 5 nutrients - protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamins and minerals. However, protein is the nutrient is needed for proper growth and development. Correct answer: C

Proteins are needed to build, maintain and repair muscle, blood, skin and bones and  other tissues and organs in the body.  The main sources of animal proteins are milk, fish, meat, cheese and eggs. Large amount of protein is needed for building new tissue in short period, such as during infancy, pregnancy or when mother is nourishing a child.

A balance of all the nutrients in diet is essential but the nutrient that is important for growth and development is protein. The correct answer is option c.

There are in all five nutrients proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Sometimes water is included as the sixth nutrient. A balance of all is important for proper functioning of the human body.

Proteins are very important in human physiology, they act as structural elements within the cell such as actin, form the extracellular matrix (ECM) elements, act as signaling molecules, hormones etc.

As the growth occurs repairs and maintenance is required and this work is carried out by proteins. With growth an additional need for protein is created which is why it has to be taken externally through diet.

It is helpful to remember the central dogma, and remember that in execution the blueprint of our growth and development (DNA) is carried out by the formation of proteins.

Growth and development requires formation of new structures and completion of processes, a lot of which are undertaken by proteins. From structural elements  actin, tubulin, enzymes such as hexokinase, lysozyme, to chaperones that help folding of other proteins, proteins play an important role in growth and development.

For growth and development protein is required. Correct option is c.

Learn more about proteins here:


You eat like a bird. a. personification b. simile c. hyperbole d. onomatopoeia


The phrase “You eat like a bird” is a simile. A simile is a figure of speech that compares two different things using the words “like” or “as”. In this case, the comparison is being made between the person’s eating habits and the way birds typically eat, implying that the person eats very little or sparingly.

I hope this helps.

Please mark me as the brainliest.

Sugar comes from tall, grassy sugar cane plants and the fleshy roots of sugar beets. a. True
b. False


The statement ‘Sugar comes from tall, grassy sugar cane plants and the fleshy roots of sugar beets.’ Is false. The answer is letter B. Not all sugar came from sugar beets, some came from normal plant. All plant have starches in them and mostly contain chains of sugar that forms the complex carbohydrate starch.