Answer: C
Having strong reading abilities can enable you to interpret and find meaning in everything you read, and when you continuously improve these skills, you can develop your ability to communicate effectively through writing.
tiny fish, stream
The poem is an acrostic
The poem is a sonnet
The poem uses iambic pentameter
None of these are accurate
the poem is sonnet
sry if its wrong i have cancer but i try to help ppl
Answer: The correct answer is C) The poem is a sonnet.
Explanation: The Poetry of Postmodernity reappraises key Anglo/American poets of the last fifty years in the light of debates about the postmodern situation. It offers fresh critical insights into how their literary contribution gives cogent expression to both the socio-cultural possibilities and the global problems of our recent past, our apparent present and our probable future. The poets considered are late Auden, Ginsberg, Plath, Berryman, Hughes, Hill, Ashbery and late R.S. Thomas.
At home:
At School:
On road:
In “Lessons of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr." Chavez wanted to inspire and encourage the people to work together and to supports the theme that positive change often comes when people work together he said "We have witnessed truckloads of grapes being dumped because no one would stop to buy them."
4 Reasons to Conduct a Character Interview
8 Questions About Your Character’s Physical Appearance
13 Questions About Your Character’s Background and Lifestyle
9 Questions About Your Character’s Interests
9 Questions About Your Character’s Relationship
6 Questions About Your Character’s Thoughts and Emotions
Where were they born?
Who are their parents?
Where do they live?
What do they do for a living?
What is their greatest achievement?
What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to them?
When was the first time they fell in love?
What is their biggest secret?
What is their greatest regret?
Do they have any bad habits?
Did they attend high school? College?
What’s the worst thing that’s ever happened to them?