Before you put on that skeleton costume and rove door-to-door pandering for candy, take a minute to reflect on this tradition. Halloween is believed to have come from an ancient Celtic festival dating back some 2,000 years. November 1st was the Celtic New Year and marked the end of summer to the Celts. They celebrated on its eve by wearing costumes made of animal skins and dancing around bon fires. Over the next two millennia, this primitive celebration grew to be the candy fueled costume ball that we know today. Summarize this paragraph in one sentence. Be specific and clearly explain the main idea. *


Answer 1


The origin of Halloween.


  • By Summarizing this paragraph in one sentence we understand that it talks about the origin of Halloween.
  • Halloween's starting point was back during the old Celtic Festival of Samhain. On November 1, 2000 years prior, the Celts praised their new year in what is currently the United Kingdom, Ireland, and Northern France.

Thus, the correct answer is the origin of Halloween.

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B. Self-evident
C. Quickly-running
D. Spur of the moment-decision


The following is a correctly written compound word is Quickly-running. The answer is letter C. Both words when separated, can have different meanings.

What are the main themes in Lord of the flies?


Lord of the Flies is a great novel and the themes are represented throughout the characters differently. Its main theme though is civilization and savagery because of what they all go through.

What kind of literary technique is used in this quote? "Those days are ill-defined in my memory, running together and combining like a fresh watercolor painting left out in the rain."


The person above me is correct - this quite indeed uses the literary technique known as simile.
When you are comparing two things using words such as like or as, such as in this example ("like a fresh watercolor painting left out in the rain"), then it is a simile.
I think it's a simile

You need to label the rooms in your home for the painters, so they know which rooms to paint various colors. Which aid might you give them?a. Table
c. Timeline
b. Diagram
d. Graph



b. Diagram


Diagrams describe where something is located.  They are simplified drawings showing the appearance or structure of something, which can represent schematically the different rooms of a house with their corresponding colors.

The rest of the choices are incorrect because a table is set of facts or figures displayed in columns, a timeline is a pictorial description of the passage of time as a line, and a graph is a diagram showing the relation between variable quantities, calculated along one of a pair of axes at right angles.

The answer is:

B) Diagram

Hope it helps!

Three early forms of written communication were _____.


The answer could be many different things.
I think it would be:
cave paintings

Why has the physical description of the hero changed throughout the years?A. To prove that authors can create original characters
B. To allow for the advancement of technology
C. To excite audiences with new and different heroes
D. To reflect how a specific time and culture view heroism


D, as the world evolves definitions and beliefs and veiws evolve as well. D is the best fit.

Answer: To reflect how a specific time and culture view heroism
