How are plants pollinated?


Answer 1


People can transfer pollen from one flower to another, but most plants are pollinated without any help from people. Usually plants rely on animals or the wind to pollinate them. When animals such as bees, butterflies, moths, flies, and hummingbirds pollinate plants, it's accidental. hope that helps love!!

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I need help with this.


The answer would be sewer systems.

Amy was observing the growth of five kinds of flowering plants on a windowsill. She noticed that some of the flowers on some of the plants turned toward the sun during the day, but the flowers on other plants did not turn toward the sun. She asked the following question.“Why do living things sometimes change direction?”

Why is Amy’s question not a very good scientific question?



She generalized it to living things when she was only observing plants.

When coming up with a scientific question it needs to be based on observation. As you see, what she was looking at were plants only. If she also observed this behavior with other living things, aside from plants and it needs to be several, it would be okay to generalize.


A) it is too broad


edge 2023

What dose the xylem do


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