Write an argumentative paragraph explaining the consequences of artificial selection. This paragraph needs to include facts and you need to cite your resources. This must be a minimum of 8 sentences long.


Answer 1


Artificial selection can be described as the method by which organisms with the desired characteristics are crossed so that offsprings with better qualities can be produced.

Although artificial selection is an effective way to produce organisms with better traits, yet this technique has some consequences of its own. Growing plants and animals through this method will lead to lesser genetic variety. In the future id any disaster such as a disease infects the organisms then the entire population will be eradicated as there will be little or no genetic diversity at all.

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How can the environment be organized into levels from simple to complex?



The organization of the environment from simple to complex is:

  • Individual
  • Population
  • Community
  • Ecosystem
  • Biosphere

Population refers to the total number of living organism present in a particular area. For example, the human population of any city.

Community refers to the group of populations of two or more species living in a particular area.

Ecosystem refers to the biological community consists of biotic, abiotic, and interaction of biotic and abiotic components.

The biosphere is the region occupied by living organisms. It includes atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere.

The levels of an environment to be organized are populations,species,community,and the ecosystem

Kemukakan beberapa pendapat kamu tentang kitab kitab allah swt. sebelum al-quran


Some of the holy book of Allah SWT before the Qur'an are the Tawra revealed to Musa (Moses), the Zabur revealed to Dawud (David), the Injil revealed to Isa (Jesus)

Further explanation

The Islamic religion views is that God, who is above all merciful, constantly sends prophets and apostles to remind humans of God's "straight path". And also to reminds the distinction between permitted (halal) and prohibited (haram)

The Quran was orally revealed by God to the final Prophet, Muhammad, through the archangel Gabriel (Jibril). The Holy Quran, is the last book of Allah (SWT) conveying the message of kindness, absolution and peace for human kind.

Some of the holy book of Allah SWT before the Qur'an are the Tawra (Torah or the Law) revealed to Musa (Moses), the Zabur (Mizmor/Zemirot or Psalms) revealed to Dawud (David), the Injil (Euangélion/Ewwangelliwon or the Gospel) revealed to Isa (Jesus)

The word Torah occurs eighteen times and the name of Moses is mentioned 136 times in the Quran. Whereas Zabur occurs three times in the Qur'an (4, 163; 17, 55; 21, 105), and the word Injil occurs twelve times in the Qur'an and refers to the revelation transmitted by Isa.

Learn more

  1. Learn more about the holy book of Allah SWT brainly.com/question/1103786

Answer details

Grade:  9

Subject: Islamic religion

Chapter:  holy book of Allah SWT

Keywords:  holy book of Allah SWT

Allah mengutus quran sebagai bukti dan mukjizat bagi orang yang percaya untuk melihat. Juga untuk orang-orang yang tidak mahu mengakui bahawa Allah adalah satu-satunya tuhan. Ini adalah kepercayaan orang-orang Islam. Itulah sebabnya Allah memanggil mereka " Ayat " kerana mereka adalah mukjizat daripada orang -orang yang beriman. 

If finches on the Galapagos Islands had such different beaks, how could Darwin think they shared a common ancestor from the mainland?



i just learned about this


its because each began to live in different areas on the Galapagos islands and they each needed to adapt to their meals and their surroundings. So simply evolving and adapting

I hope this helps u!

Pls give a brainliest and a thx ;)

Despite the different beak shapes of Galapagos finches, Darwin believed they shared a common ancestor from the mainland due to other similar traits. This lead to his theory of evolution through natural selection and adaptation, suggesting species change over time due to environmental factors.

Charles Darwin observed that finches on the Galapagos Islands had different beak shapes. Despite these differences, he concluded they all shared a common ancestor from the mainland because of the similarities in their other physical traits and behaviors. Darwin proposed the theory of evolution through natural selection and adaptation, suggesting that species change over time because of environmental factors. In the case of the Galapagos finches, the different beak shapes evolved due to the different types of food sources available on the islands, a process known as adaptive radiation.

Learn more about Evolution here:



Why is it important that the space in the chest get bigger


I think it's so your lungs can expand to help you breathe properly ? You may have to wait for some more answers to come through
So that the bees sure decreases and air is sucked into the lung to breathe

A student designs an experiment to determine the effect of sunlight on plant growth. He or she places three identical plants on three different window sills, which permit different amounts of sunlight exposure. Each plant receives the same amount of water each day. What is the responding variable in this experiment? A.plant growth B.amount of sunlight
C.amount of water
D.type of plant


The responding variable in this experiment of the students experiment where she places three identical plants on three different window sills which were expose to different amounts of sunlight exposure and same amount of water each day is the amount of sunlight because even the plant receives the same amount of water but each of them didn't expose the same amount of sunlight than the growth of the plant will not be the same.


so it d


Help please!What is the source of the carbon atoms in a plant's cells?
they were created as the plant grew
the Sun
water molecules
the environment


Answer:B. The Sun


Final answer:

The carbon atoms in plant cells derive from carbon dioxide in the environment through the process of photosynthesis, where it is converted into glucose and used to build cells.


The carbon atoms in a plant's cells primarily come from the environment, particularly from carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This is absorbed by the plant through a process known as photosynthesis. In photosynthesis, plants use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose - a type of sugar - and oxygen. It's this glucose that provides the carbon atoms for the construction of plant cells. Thus, the correct answer to your question is D) the environment.

Learn more about Photosynthesis here:



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