having a snack when you go out with friends after you just finished lunch at home
having a physical discomfort when your body needs nutrients
choosing to eat popcorn when you go to a movie because that’s what you usually do
eating fresh-baked cookies because they smell good even though you’re full
California has minor consent laws put in place for what? Abortion, pregnancy, AND children ages 12 and older can consent to their own mental health care if a mental health professional deems them mature enough to intelligently participate in treatment.
these are all MINOR laws in california
Minors can have permission to have treatment or seek medical help
Minors don't require the parents consent in order to have any type of Abortion or Pregnancy. The woman can decide whether or not to have her baby. Abortion and Pregnancy treatment and care is available, but sterilization is not available to a Minor without their consent.
Creating a daily schedule.
It's very important to keep up with your schedule. If you have many tasks, and if you're very good at organizing, consider it a 50% done. Organization plays a huge role in finishing your tasks in time, and not only that -- it's not important how fast tasks are done, but how thoroughly they're done. It's normal that a person cannot memorize all the important things, especially if under a lot of pressure. Buy yourself a planner, and write down every important and not so important thing in order to get things done.