from present to past
you need to show consistency
I dont know ?????????
B. the amount of sugars in the blood
C. the amount of nutrients absorbed into the bloodstream
D. the body's ability to digest carbohydrates and proteins
The right answer is A.
* A urinary ionogram (sodium, potassium, calcium and urinary chlorine levels) provides information on the body's fluid and electrolyte balance, ie the balance between water and the various ions. This is provided by the kidneys essentially, which have the role of filtering urine. It can be disrupted in case of kidney disease, severe vomiting, diarrhea or dehydration.
The urinary ionogram is rarely prescribed alone. It is practiced and interpreted with a blood ionogram. Therefore, it allows to determine the role of the kidneys in the possible metabolic disorders presented on the blood ionogram.
* From a qualitative point of view, diuresis refers to
-to the composition of the urine: water, ions, organic compounds ...
-to the entire path of the urine: formation of urine in the kidney, transport by the ureter, storage in the bladder and finally elimination of this urine through the urethra during urination.
From a quantitative point of view, we speak of urinary flow (generally expressed in L / day, mL / day or mL / min). The terms urinary flow and diuresis flow are synonymous. Normal urine output is between 800 mL and 1500 mL per day. This value depends on the amount of water absorbed.