Which root do the words transcribe and scribble have in common


Answer 1



Latin for "to write"


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From The Canterbury Tales: “The Prologue”What is the most likely reason that Chaucer begins The Canterbury Tales’ prologue with a description of spring?


The most likely reason that Chaucer begins The Canterbury Tales' prologue with a description of spring is to set the tone and establish the context for the pilgrimage that is about to take place.

Spring is traditionally associated with themes of renewal, rebirth, and the awakening of nature. By describing the arrival of spring, Chaucer creates a sense of freshness and vitality, reflecting the idea that the pilgrimage is a journey of spiritual and personal rejuvenation for the characters involved.

Furthermore, spring is a time of transition and change, symbolizing the beginning of a new cycle.

This mirrors the idea that the pilgrimage is a transformative experience for the pilgrims, as they leave behind their ordinary lives and embark on a collective journey of self-discovery and reflection.

Know more about Canterbury Tales:



spring is the beginning of seasons chaucer is describing the beginning of the tale

How does the split ring commutator work in a d.c. motor, and the slip rings in a a.c. generator??? i'm confused between their functions :P


The difference between the split ring commutator in a DC motor and the slips rings in an AC generator can be tricky. The split ring makes changes in the rotation every so often. A slip ring just stays in place and is only used as a connector. So a slip ring is for DC, whereas the split ring is used for AC.

In at least three complete sentences, write a character analysis for the protagonist in your selected novel. Include literal, interpretive, and evaluative information about the character. My novel is The Boy In The Striped Pajamas


This is 2 protagonists in my view (Bruno and Shmuel). But I chose one that Bruno. He is a nine years old boy. He was born in Berlin and later moved to Polant as his father is a Commandant. He can't realized what's happening with everything around him and then meets a new friend - a boy in striped pajamas.

Bruno is a lead character in the novel. Bruno's character is somehow interesting because of his curiosity. His family is rich, he is having a life stripped of difficulties. Of course, he is still a child and Bruno's curiosity might be related to his childishness. However, not every child is curious in the same way that most of them obey to their parents without complaining. Bruno's curiosity makes him befriended with a child from a completely different world.

Which type of character changes or evolves throughout the story?a. static
b. dynamic
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b. dynamic

Which type of character changes or evolves throughout the story? dynamic

a. static
c. conflicted
d. climactic

In the book locket by kate chopin,what must the thief of the locket have believed about it?


He thought is was a secret Catholic protector that had kept Edmund safe in battle.

Which aspect of literary criticism deals with whether the author's message is significant or worthwhile?


The specific aspect of literary criticism that demonstrates the author's message as significant or worthwhile is the author-based approach. It is also called the Expressive Theory. It depicts that the best interpretation of a text (poem, novel, fictional stories, etc) comes from the author himself. 

The reader-based approach is not entirely reliable because every reader may see a text in a different perspective. There are even cases wherein readers interpret a text in a deep, deep way while the author meant everything in the literal sense. Everything varies from case to case. 

i say it is evaluation which was one of the answer in my question which is understandable since you evaluate the message of the author just like you evaluate if buying that candy bar was worth it, this is the main significant, was it worth it or not after analyzing it and interpreting.