Nick observes thickening and discoloration of the nail of the index finger. Nick is most likely suffering from an onychomycosis infection.
Onychomycosis is a chronic and progressive infection of the nails caused by fungi. In most cases it is produced by dermatophytes, and less frequently by yeasts and molds. It is the most frequent nail disease.
Onychomycosis can affect the appearance, thickness and color abnormally, both in the nails of the hands and the feet, although the nail of the big toe is the most frequently affected.
The change in the internal body temperature can be maintained by the various types of systems present inside the body which maintains an equilibrium in between the body and outer environment.
Homeostasis can be defined as the biological phenomenon that takes place inside the body to resist the change inside the body.
The negative feedback resists the changes inside the body that occurred due to change in the outer conditions. There can be multiple changes inside body in order to stabilize the body.
More species and more resources
The benefits to native species of joining similar habitats with corridors is more species and more resources.
Biodiversity corridors are areas of vegetation that allow animals to travel from one patch of native forest to another.
A corridor provides shelter, food and protection from predators by imitating the structure and diversity of native vegetation. Thus the benefits to a native species is more resources and also more species.
B. Rock has layers and smaller pieces of rock in it. It also has fossil in it.
C. Rock has holes in it, and it has a glassy appearance.
D. Rock contains minerals crystal that have grown together.
- Sensation in his left lower extremities
- Control of the left section of his lower body
- Sensation in the right section of his upper body