Why was the bolshevik revolution of october 1917 successful?


Answer 1


Reasons for the success of the Russian Revolution , 1917. Weakness of the Provisional Government, economic and social problems and continuation of the war led to growing unrest and support for the Soviets. Led by Lenin, the Bolsheviks seized power.


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The similarity in the lives of women regardless of their status was that they were subordinate to men and that the men decided over their lives: fathers over their marriages, husbands over everything else.

The difference was that noblewomen were only expected to bear children and appear noble and honorable, while the poor women were expected to work hard, for example in agriculture.

Egypt Took part in and lost three wars to a. Rome b. saudi arabia c. great britaim d. israel



d. israel


The Treaty of Peace between Israel and Egypt, signed in Washington DC on March 26, 1979, marked the end of thirty years of hostilities and five wars. This treaty was signed after intense negotiations, sixteen months after the visit of Egyptian President Anwar el-Sadat to Jerusalem in 1977, invited by the then Israeli prime minister, Menájem Beguín, and the signing of the Camp David peace accords in 1978, under the auspice of former US President Jimmy Carter as a witness.

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No, it is false that James Monroe coined the phrase "Era of Good Feeling" to describe his term as president of the United States, since in fact this phrase was coined by Benjamin Russell.



  • The phrase "Era of Good Feelings" was actually coined by a journalist, Benjamin Russell, in the Boston newspaper, Columbian Centinel, on July 12, 1817.  Russell used that term to describe the new era under Monroe's presidency, after Monroe visited Boston as part of a goodwill tour of the US.  President Monroe certainly went along with the description and was trying to evoke that "good feelings" sort of mood in the country. Historians see "The Era of Good Feelilngs" as having begun around 1815, after the War of 1812 and the end of Napoleon's wars in Europre, when the United States entered an era when it could focus on its own affairs and not need to be concerned about political and military happenings in Europe.  The "Era of Good Feelings" is strongly associated with Monroe's two-term presidency,  from 1817 to 1825. President Monroe made goodwill tours of the country in 1817 and 1819 to promote national pride and national unity.

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They were named after Greek gods

Unlike previous federal policies, President Grants "peace policy" attempted to?A:Relocate with settlers to the East
B:Provide fair and kind treatment to the tribes
C:Provide shelter for displaced tribes
D:Relocate tribes to their Native Lands.


Unlike previous federal policies, President Grants "peace policy" attempted to "B:Provide fair and kind treatment to the tribes", since it was becoming more politically advantageous to treat them harshly.