Which sentence has an infinitive phrase that functions as the subject?After the rain, water travels from the ground to the roots of a plant.
Plants are adapted to take in moisture from the ground.
To convert sunlight and energy into food is the end result of photosynthesis.


Answer 1
Answer: The sentence that has an infinitive phrase that functions as the subject is the last one - To convert sunlight and energy into food is the end result of photosynthesis.
An infinitive is formed with the preposition to and any verb. For example: to play, to dance, to see, etc.
In the first sentence, to the roots is not an infinitive since roots is not a verb, but a noun.
In the second sentence, to take is indeed an infinitive, but it is not a subject. 

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The writer of the article describes several hardships he faced during his time at school in the 1960s:

Austere Conditions: The writer mentions that the dormitories were named after sea-dogs like Cromwell, Blake, and Nelson, which might initially sound grand, but he goes on to describe it as "austere luxury." This suggests that while the setting had a certain grandeur in its nomenclature, the actual conditions were harsh and Spartan.

Unappealing Food: The writer describes the food as "ugly, fatty, and stodgy," highlighting its unappetizing nature. He mentions that he largely survived on delicious breakfasts, indicating that the other meals were far less enjoyable. He also talks about the unappealing nature of milk and the Palm Toffee bars, which he suggests would probably be illegal today, implying that the food was unhealthy.

Rigorous Routine: The writer talks about the incessant sports, compulsory physical activities like jumping and running, and forced labor like clearing woodlands or picking stones from playing fields. These activities depict a rigorous routine that the students were subjected to, suggesting a lack of leisure or personal time.

The writer's word choices further emphasize the unpleasantness of his school experience:

"Sparklingly clean" suggests a stark contrast with the harsh conditions, highlighting the meticulous cleanliness as a rarity.

"Endangered my teeth" and "probably be illegal" emphasize the detrimental nature of the Palm Toffee bars, making it clear that the food was unhealthy and potentially harmful.

"Squalid practice" conveys the writer's strong disapproval of having to use other people's bathwater, indicating a lack of hygiene.

Overall, the writer paints a vivid picture of the hardships he faced at school through his word choices, highlighting the challenging and unappealing aspects of his educational experience in the 1960s.

What rhyme scheme is used in this excerpt from the poem "To Lucasta, Going to the Wars" by Richard Lovelace? Tell me not, (Sweet) I am unkind, That from the nunnery Of thy chaste breast, and quiet mind To war and arms I fly. True, a new mistress now I chase, The first foe in the field; And with a stronger faith embrace A sword, a horse, a shield. Yet this inconstancy is such, As you too shall adore; I could not love thee, Dear, so much, Loved I not honour more abab abab abab abab cdcd efef abcd abcd abcd aabb ccdd eeff


the correct answer is: ABAB CDCD





True or False? Toxoplasmosis is a disease a pregnant woman can contract during the second trimester that can cause congenital varicella syndrome (CVS).



Toxoplasmosis can be contracted during pregnancy if the woman comes into contact with infected cats. It can pass on to the unborn child and cause abnormalities.

CVS is a different disease in unborn children which is caused by a mother's infection with chickenpox.




Which of the following words is derived from Greek?A.





The answer is C.Catalyst 
Catalyst is a Greek word "katalusis",
Hope i Helped ^_^

Which sentence correctly uses a nominative case pronoun? a. The girl on the left is her.
b. Ralph and them are waiting for us at the Metro station.
c. Did Isaac and him find the missing game controller?
d. The boys were Max and I on the trampoline.


The correct answer is B. Ralph and them are waiting for us at the metro station. It is a nominative case pronoun because them is here used as a subject, that is, the doer of the action, so it is nominative. The rest are either objective case or dative because the forms are things like him instead of he which answers the question of to whom instead of who.