[n]o man [should] be compelled to make or yield any gift, loan, benevolence, tax, or such like charge, without common consent by act of parliament.


Answer 1
Answer: I believe it is (no taxation without representation )
Answer 2


The king cannot raise taxes without permission from Parliament.


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To which sphere of life did the Enlightenment try to apply scientific methods?


In general, it was to all spheres of life that the Enlightenment tried to apply scientific methods, although perhaps the greatest was that of government, since people started calling into question the status quo of monarchical rule. 

The scientific revolution and the Enlightment promoted the application of reason, empiricism and experimental or observational knowledge to all spheres of public and private life, over the previously-dominant superstitious or dogmatic beliefs that aroused from religion.

Religion and its representatives had great power in medieval societies and controlled every aspect of lives, including the development of knowledge or the power positions in goverments. For example, no theory could be proved with credit if it went against the provisions of the Bible. Also, absolute monarchs held unlimited power in the states as it was believed that such power had been granted by God.

Enlightment aimed to break with every aspect that involved religious obscurantism, superstitions or dogmas.

both the declaration of independence and the social contract theory both arose from which philosophical movement?





-The Declaration of Independence draws heavily on the ideas of Enlightenment thinkers such as John Locke. Much of what Jefferson wrote in the Declaration comes direct from Locke's ideas about government.

-The Declaration of Independence says that people have certain rights just because they are people.These rights are not given to them by the government and cannot be taken away from them.They have these rights simply because they are human.  This is a major idea of the Enlightenment.

-Social contract theory is the view that persons' moral and/or political obligations are dependent upon a contract or agreement among them to form the society in which they live.

Final answer:

Both The Declaration of Independence and the Social Contract Theory stem from the Enlightenment, a philosophical movement marked by reason, scientific progress, and an emphasis on human rights. Key Enlightenment figures such as John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau developed the Social Contract Theory, which greatly influenced the American Founding Fathers when drafting The Declaration of Independence.


Both The Declaration of Independence and the Social Contract Theory arose from the philosophical movement known as the Enlightenment.

The Enlightenment was a period from the 17th to 19th centuries characterized by a reliance on reason, scientific progress, and an interest in human rights. It inspired philosophers such as John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who proposed eSocial Contract Theory.

Locke's philosophies greatly influenced the crafting of The Declaration of Independence by the American Founding Fathers. This theory posited that individuals surrender their natural rights to the state in exchange for its protection, a concept that can be found in this historic document. Notable Enlightenment concepts in The Declaration of Independence include the ideas of sovereignty, natural rights, and the social contract.

Learn more about Enlightenment here:



Two most common reasons for modifying land in South and Southeast asia


The two most common reasons for modifying land in South and Southeast Asia are the following: 

First is the levels of degradation and the severity of the land degradation that it also affected the lifestyle of the people there. 

Secondly, there were population issues as well and environmental issues. 


its b i know theres no examples but its b


Archduke who was assassinated while on a visit to Sarajevo


Archduke Franz Ferdinand.  He was killed by a Serbian nationalist, who was a member of The Black Hand, and his death led to unrest causing WWI.

Vietnamization shifted the burden of the ground fighting from american troops to


South Vietnam forces

President Nixon outlined a plan called Vietnamization, which consisted of a process to withdraw US troops from Vietnam, while fighting was returning to the Vietnamese in the south. The withdrawal of US troops began in July 1969. President Nixon also expanded the war to other countries, such as Laos and Cambodia. This movement caused thousands of protests, especially on university campuses.


the South Vietnamese army


When North Korea invaded South Korea, it gained control over which city?


During the invasion, North Korea gained control over Seoul.


During the invasion, North Korea gained control over Seoul.
