The Eighteenth Amendment was supported by the religious community except for Protestants. a. True
b. False?


Answer 1
Answer: It would be completely false to say that the Eighteenth amendment was supported by the religious community except for Protestants. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the second option or option "b". I hope the answer comes to your help.

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Newton's laws, also known as Newton's laws of motion, are three principles from which a large part of the problems posed in classical mechanics are explained, particularly those related to the movement of bodies, which revolutionized the concepts of physics and the movement of bodies in the universe.

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Different sources target different audiences. Sometimes a reference can be directed to more than one group of people. Personal magazines are usually intended for a wide range of people around the world. Some sources may have a particular audience. A literary magazine can be specifically aimed at students or scholars with experience in literature.


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to prevent communism from spreading


to prevents spreading comunism


I took the test

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