Carthage and Rome were two of the most powerful countries at the time. The time between 264-146 BCE was call the Punic wars, there was three Punic wars. The first Punic war started with expansion in Sicily (right next to the boot of Italy) Sicily started the first Punic war. Rome was the victor of the first Punic war and put on some big prices on the Carthage government, so Carthage went to Spain to get some silver to pay their debt to Rome. When Hannibal sacked one of Romes allies the Romans demanding to Carthage to hand over Hannibal, when Carthage said no they declared war. Rome again won this war and put some agreement on Carthage government. The third Punic War began after Carthage deviated from its agreement with Rome that it would give up its fleet and refrain from invasions. I'm sorry if this does not make a lot of seance but I will give you some videos to better answer your question. It's kind of hard to cover a century of history so bare with.
If you check out Invicta The First Punic War they did a four part video about the first Punic war. If you check out HistoryMarche they go into Hannibal and the Second Punic War. If you check out Extra History they go over all three wars and talk about the 3rd Punic war. Not much is known about the third Punic war so you won't find a lot of info about it other than Carthage was burned to the ground after several years of besieging it. I tried to answer to the best of my knowledge hope the channels help you if I didn't.
The Stamp Act of 1765 angered a lot of colonists and made them want independence, as many felt like they were being treated unfairly.
This act caused the colonists to pay taxes on certain paper products under Great Britain's rule. The colonists felt like this was very unfair as they had no say in what was happening, or "taxation without representation." They had nobody in the British Parliament and could not fight for what they wanted, many deemed this unfair.
Great Britain tried to justify this by saying that they were paying for the French and Indian War, which was very expensive, so they needed extra money. They also said that since they were giving the colonists protection by having British troops, so they shouldn't complain about what they were putting taxes on. This didn't matter to the colonists and many of them started to boycott the products that had taxes on them.
The Stamp Act of 1765 really unified the colonists together, as all of them wanted independence from Great Britain and believed they were being treated unfairly. After a while, Great Britain realized that the Stamp Act was hurting many British merchants and was doing more harm than good, so they repealed it.
Conservatives and Libertarians opposed the Great Society’s program because they believed they surpassed the powers of the federal government which could be considered coercive federalism since the Federal government dictated the policy instead of working as equals with the State governments. Conservatives and Libertarians believed that the Framers designed the Constitution and the Federalist system to be cooperative federalism.
I believe the answer is: The United States entered World War II because Japan attacked its Navy.
Prior to this attack, united states adopt a neutralist approach in its foreign policy, which make them avoid any intervention toward the affairs of other nations as much as possible. When Japanese army attacked the pearl harbour, the support to enter world war II was given by the majority of people.
3.What current events are causing some states to talk about seceding from the Union again?
4.Do those current events compare in any way to the events in the 1800s? Explain your answer.
(Please answer all of them)