The road distance from Austin, Texas to Dallas, Texas is approximately 195 miles, mainly along the I-35 interstate highway. Actual distance may vary depending on start and end points within each city.
The distance from Austin, Texas to Dallas, Texas is approximately 195 miles (314 kilometers) if you travel by road. This distance is measured in a roughly direct line along interstate highways, primarily I-35. It's important to note that the actual distance may vary depending on the specific start and end points of your journey within each city. For example, if traveling from the outskirts of one city to the outskirts of the other, the distance may be slightly less. Conversely, if traveling from downtown to downtown, the distance may be slightly more.
2 Ponds and lakes generally have the same depth..
3 Ponds and lakes have the same amount of minerals in them..
4 Ponds and lakes have the same surface temperature.
The answer is 1 because a river has moving water and ponds and lakes have still water.
It hit the east coast of Africa.
It hit parts of Japan.
It hit all of Indonesia.
Northern European Plain's excellent soil is called loess.
The European continent has varying deposits of loess soil from few decimeters to thick tens of meters. The Northern European countries whose soil predominantly loess are France, Poland, Germany, and northern Ukraine.
The soil in this area is due to periglacial conditions. Loess results from built-up of wind-blown dust/silt that forms sedimentation. The silt particle is normally 20-50 micrometer in size that consists of less clay and a balanced quantity of sand and silt. It is homogenous soil which is also porous.
a. True
b. False
True, an earthquake can be predicted. I just did this question and got it correct.