You are assigned to learn the following list of words: bagel, bread, pie, cake, and turnover. I then ask you to tell me what words on a second list you remember from the first list. You add the word "donut" to the list. This is an example of:A. the imagination inflation effect
B. spreading activation model of memory
C. the confirmatory boas hypothesis
D. the unconcious collusion hypotheses


Answer 1


B. spreading activation model of memory.


This is the process through which activity in one node in a network flows outward to other nodes through associative links.

For instance, activation of words like bread,cake and pie spreads to other snacks like donut.

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Affirmative action programs are discriminatory, but for the purposes of correcting past wrongs by society.


Yes, this is correct!

They are discriminatory in the sense that they treat some people differently then others, but they are correcting the wrongs in the sense that the people favoured by the affirmative action are discriminated in other ways, so such actions seek to make up for it.

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aws created by governments in regards to how individuals can control, benefit from and transfer property. Economic theory contends that government enforcement of strongproperty rights is a determinant regarding the level of economic success seen in the area.

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It resulted in labor shortages. That is because a 100 million people died reducing the number of people from 450 to 350 million, which reduced the number of able bodied workers by a significant amount. Some countries lost as much as a third or a half of their entire population. Then they started employing children and other bad things.

Factors affecting voter behavior which include age, income level, and religion are calleda. chronological.
b. political.
c. sociological.
d. economic.


Factors affecting voter behavior which include age, income level, and religion are called sociological. There are some agents during someone's childhood which is fundamental to someone's future voting behavior. These include: family, schools, mass media, political parties, religion, and workplace.

The answer would be letter C.

Last week local shrimpers held a news conference to take some credit for the resurgence of the rare Kemp's ridley turtle, saying that their compliance with laws requiring that turtle-excluder devices be on shrimp nets protect adult sea turtles.(A) requiring that turtle-excluder devices be on shrimp nets protect

(B) requiring turtle-excluder devices on shrimp nets is protecting

(C) that require turtle-excluder devices on shrimp nets protect

(D) to require turtle-excluder devices on shrimp nets are protecting

(E) to require turtle-excluder devices on shrimp nets is protecting



The correct option is B: requiring turtle-excluder devices on shrimp nets is protecting


Option A is wrong because the verb does not comply with the singular subject, which in this case is "compliance", and hence the "protect" should be "protects"

Option B is the correct answer because "require" was used with a direct object and the singular verb "is" was also correctly used in the sentence and it agrees with the singular subject "compliance".

Option C is wrong because the word "protect" as used in the sentence is a plural verb and hence it does not comply with the singular subject "compliance"

Option D is wrong because the word "are" is a plural verb and hence it does not comply with the singular subject in the sentence, which is "compliance".

Option E is wrong because the usage of "to require" is unidiomatic

Robberies are considered to be eithera. violent or nonviolent.
b. professional or amateur.
c. planned or unplanned.


The answer in the item above is: B. Robberies are considered to be either professional or amateur. Professional robberies are well thought planned and has been consistently making money or earning a living as a robber. The amateur robberies are those who are not really earning it as a living and are not consistent in committing the crime. Usually, they would go for banks.