Juvenile parolees are required to meet set standards of behavior, and if the rules are violated, the juvenile may have his or her parole revoked and be returned to an institution. This type of procedure is known as _____.


Answer 1

The correct answer is Community correction

Correction programs that supervise offenders outside of prison and are administered by agencies or courts with legal authority.

Community corrections include probation - correctional supervision within the community, rather than prison or prison - and probation - a period of probation and supervised release from prison.

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Answer: Explanation:

No, It is not relevant because Gucci does business in that state which is an adequate requirement of minimum contact.

Also, the fact that Gucci America's headquarter is in the New York state was not relevant to the court's analysis here because Gucci was the plaintiff. Courts look at defendant location with the forum in determining whether to exercise personal jurisdiction. The plaintiffs location is irrelevant to this determination.

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C. To end slavery
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C. (To end slavery)


The Abolitionist Movement was a movement in the 19th century to end slavery in the United States of America. The word abolition is taken from the word abolish, which means to put an end to.

In this case, the movement was to put an end to slavery.

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This earlier context of communication lacked: c. instantaneousness.


Communication via internet through smartphones and computers create a faster way of communication. This creates instantaneousness, while the other communication via letters wasn't characterized by instant messangers that arrive at the very moment.

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number 1


Andrea and Paul were studying the same subject at the same university. They were close friends and spent a lot of time together. They were both members of the chess club, had similar tastes in music, and often met for coffee. When one of them confessed to a long-kept fantasy that their relationship would one day become a romantic one, the other was surprised, and has been wary ever since. What most likely happened to cool their friendship?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although the question does not include options or any other reference, we can say that what most likely happened to cool their friendship was the fact that one of them had different expectations about the relationship, while the other did not aspire to reach to the next level and have a romantic relationship. One of them misunderstood the signals of the relationship and confused the fact that they both had so many similarities. That is why is so important to be clear about the role people play in a friendly relationship in order to avoid sending the wrong of confusing signals to the other individual.

Final answer:

In Andrea and Paul's story, the surprise confession of romantic feelings from one friend to the other led to a surprise and tension in their relationship. This shift changed the dynamics of their friendship, introducing caution and wariness where there was previously ease and mutual affection.


The cooling of Andrea and Paul's friendship most likely occurred due to one friend expressing romantic feelings, which was unexpected and perhaps unwanted by the other. The surprise and the addition of unanticipated romantic sentiment to their relationship made the recipient of the confession uneasy, which consequently led to a change, and likely a strain, in their previously uncomplicated friendship. This is a classic case of emotional misalignment in a friendship.

They both had a lot in common, as mentioned, they were even part of the same chess club and shared similar tastes in music. Yet this revelation of romantic interest would have introduced an aspect to their relationship that was not mutual. The cautiousness since the confession could stem from insecurity about how to continue a close friendship without leading on or hurting the one with unrequited feelings.

These sorts of situations call for open communication, respect for each other's feelings, and understanding to navigate the situation well. If not addressed properly, it could lead to the ending of a friendship.

Learn more about Friendship Dynamics here:



How were the Roman and Greek religions similar?



Greek and Roman religions are similar, because the Roman mythology was founded based on the Greek. Religions of both ancient societies are polytheistic religions. Moreover, both cultures have almost the same gods with the same powers.



Greek and Roman religions are similar, because the Roman mythology was founded based on the Greek. Religions of both ancient societies are polytheistic religions. Moreover, both cultures have almost the same gods with the same powers.
