Which of the following were effects of Prohibition?


Answer 1
Answer: Remember that the prohibition era did not expel alcohol, just the purchase of it, according to the 18th amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
But to answer the question, it increased crime (Al Capone), reduced worker absence, lower alcohol consumption
However, after a bit, prohibition was repealed with the 21st amendment.
Hope this helped :)

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The core rationale of traditional Chinese government, ever since the early Zhou (c. 1025 BCE) has been the idea of the Mandate of Heaven. This holds that Heaven grants a single family the right to rule the human world on its behalf, conditional on competent rule. If the people suffer under bad rule, Heaven will withdraw its Mandate and chaos will ensue until a unifying ruler proves by his success that he has gained a new Mandate from Heaven. Thus, a period of disunion is a lapse of the cosmic order, an anomaly that must be put right as soon as possible.

The most notorious of the historical periods of disunion was that of the Warring States. This began around 480 BCE when Zhou rule went into its final decline, and ended when China was unified by the Qin in 221 BCE. Qin was followed quickly by Han, but between the fall of Han in 220 AD and reunification under the Sui in 581 was the Wei-Jin-Northern and Southern Dynasties period, when central rule was at best weak. Sui was quickly replaced by Tang, but when the Tang fell there were the Six Dynasties (907-979). The Song Dynasty was established in 960, but some would see the Song itself as the last great period of division, since North China was soon lost to barbarian rule.


Period of Disunion. 220-589 After the fall of the Han Dynasty China split in to rival kingdoms—one in the north, one in the south. This period was filled with war and constant changes in leadership. Many nomadic people settled in Northern China. Hope this helps


During this time of period there were like a lot of war going and Sui dynasty brought an end to it hope this help ;)

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the introductory part of a statute or deed, stating its purpose, aims, and justification

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A. Squanto taught them how to plant, fish, and find their way around" would be the best option, since without this knowledge the settlers would have surely died due to starvation. 
A -  Squanto helped them plan, fish and find their way

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The answer is "in the Colosseum or at Circus Maximus". Hope this helps!

Roman  Audiences  enjoyed public Entertainment at the Roman arena  

I hope that's help !

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