What is the likely motivation for a person giving up soup after an extended illness? Values Habit Social interactions Positive associations Negative associations


Answer 1


The correct answer is: Positive Associations.


  • Due to prolonged illness the person has lost all desire to survive.
  • This is the reason why he stopped consuming food.
  • Under such a situation, it is necessary that the person should be exposed to people who can positively counsel the person and make the ill person realise the importance of life.
  • It is necessary to make the person realise what he would gain if he chooses to survive and what he would lose if he chooses to die.
  • It is necessary to remind the person of all the possible goals he could achieve in his life if he chooses to survive.
Answer 2

Final answer:

A person may give up soup after an illness because they might develop a negative association with it. This is due to a psychological phenomenon called conditioned taste aversion, where the person associates the food with the unpleasant feelings of being sick.


The most likely motivation for a person to give up soup after an extended illness may be due to negative associations. After a long period of illness, a person may associate the consumption of soup with the period of sickness and, thus, develop aversion to it. This aversion could lead to the decision to stop consuming soup. This psychological phenomenon is also known as 'conditioned taste aversion'.

For example, imagine a person consumed a particular soup while sick for an extended time. Even after recovery, each time this individual thinks about or tries to eat that soup, it might trigger memories of being unwell. These negative emotions can be so strong that the person might steer clear of that soup in the future, despite soup being originally a comfort food or a staple in their diet.Remember, this is associated with our survival instinct—an evolutionary mechanism to prevent us from consuming harmful food substances that might have caused illness in the past.

Learn more about Negative Associations here:



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