Which Legalist scholar dismissed the Confucian belief that government could be based on virtue, arguing instead that rulers should establish a code that enabled control of subjects through punishment and reward?


Answer 1


Han Fei or also sometimes known as Han Fei Zi.


Legalism is the philosophy of the Chinese school of thought where the main interest and concern is on the need to have order and power over every other concern of human life. It suggests the need of having the citizens to pursue their aims and purposes only if it will also benefit the state.

One of the most famous propunder of this philosophy was Han Fei who advocates for the more stricter rules of authority. Dismissing the popular Confucian belief of the virtue or morality based government, he propagate the need for the establishment of a much more controlled authority of the subjects by introducing punishments and rewards. According to him, these two methods are the most effective ways of managing the people in a systematic and ordered way, without the possibility of any unrest. In most ways, he is also implying the same philosophy that Niccolo Machiavelli had suggested in his political essay "The Prince".

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Answer: B.) private acceptance; public compliance

Explanation: Informational social changes occurs in an individual after having being convinced based on fact and express conviction about the Competence and agenda of a certain group. Acceptance may or may not be expressed, This is usually necessary when faced with conditions that are vague and requires evidences and conviction.

Normative social influence on the other hand is characterized by blind following, solidarity or conformance towards the bidding of a certain group without caring about the agenda or purpose of the group. Group following under these are usually in a bid to conform and feel among other members of the group.

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Why does Okita include this description of the speaker?

A)to emphasize the cultural differences between Japanese Americans and other Americans
B)to accentuate the social injustice of Japanese Americans being interned
C)to highlight the fact that the speaker is no different from any other average American girl


Okita included this description of the speaker C) to highlight the fact that the speaker is no different from any other average American girl.

What was Executive Order 9066?

Executive Order 9066 was issued by President Franklin Roosevelt on February 19, 1942.

With this Executive Order, the evacuation of all persons regarded as a threat to national security from the West Coast was authorized to location centers further inland.

Thus, as part of her response to the Executive Order, Okita tried to C. highlight the fact that the speaker is no different from any other average American girl.

Learn more about the responses to Executive Order 9066 at brainly.com/question/2066305


Why was the port of New Orleans important to the United States?


The port of New Orleans was important to the US because, it was the main trading port during those times, if anyone got hold of it, the Americans would be in a tight spot.

Final answer:

The port of New Orleans was important due to its strategic position, involvement in the cotton boom, and economic significance.


The port of New Orleans was important to the United States for several reasons:

  1. Strategic position: New Orleans is located near the mouth of the Mississippi River, making it a crucial trade hub for goods coming up and down the river.
  2. Cotton boom: In the 19th century, New Orleans played a vital role in the cotton industry. Steamboats transported cotton from plantations along the river and throughout the South to the port, where it was sold and shipped to Liverpool, England, for British manufacturers.
  3. Economic importance: The international trade of cotton brought significant wealth to the city and helped establish New Orleans as a major banking center.

Learn more about Importance of the port of New Orleans to the United States here:



What are five facts on the house of burgesses??



House of Burgesses, representative assembly in colonial Virginia, which was an outgrowth of the first elective governing body in a British overseas possession, the General Assembly of Virginia. The General Assembly was established by Gov. George Yeardley at Jamestown on July 30, 1619. It included the governor himself and a council—all appointed by the colonial proprietor (the Virginia Company)—along with two elected burgesses (delegates) from each of the colony’s 11 settlements. The assembly met in Jamestown until 1700, when meetings were moved to Williamsburg, the newly established capital of colonial Virginia.

Henry, Patrick: in the House of Burgesses

Henry, Patrick: in the House of Burgesses

Patrick Henry (standing at right) before the House of Burgesses in Williamsburg, Va., May 30, 1765; engraving after a painting by Peter F. Rothermel, c. 1852.

Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. (neg. no. LC-USZ62-3775)

In 1643 Gov. Sir William Berkeley split the House of Burgesses off as a separate chamber of the thereafter bicameral assembly. Like the British House of Commons, the House of Burgesses granted supplies and originated laws, and the governor and council enjoyed the right of revision and veto as did the king and the House of Lords in England. The council also sat as a supreme court to review the county courts. This system remained unchanged until the American Revolution.

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica

This article was most recently revised and updated by Kara Rogers, Senior Editor.

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Which feature did the Assyrian library of Nineveh have



The Assyrian library of Nineveh was renowned for its impressive collection of cuneiform clay tablets. One of its notable features was the vast number of texts it housed, primarily on topics such as history, law, literature, religion, and science. These clay tablets contained valuable information about the Assyrian Empire and its surrounding regions, making it a vital resource for scholars and researchers of the time. Additionally, the library of Nineveh was organized and cataloged, which was an innovative feature for its era, aiding in easy retrieval of specific texts and knowledge.

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b. False


True I believe.I am not entirely sure though.I may be wrong