The most abundant elements in the body are hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, and _____. calcium sulfur nitrogen boron


Answer 1
Answer: The best answer is nitrogen. After all, it is found in our nucleic acids and proteins. Calcium can be found abundantly in our bones since calcium makes our bones strong. Sulfur can be found in our body but only in low and insignificant amounts. Boron is said to be lethal when taken in great amounts in our body; it can cause diseases and illnesses.
Answer 2




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Which of the following statements does NOT describe a function of wetlands?  

Select one:

Wetlands buffer shorelines against erosion.
Wetlands make good hazardous waste dumpsites.
Wetlands filter pollutants.
Wetlands provide spawning grounds for commercially important fish and shellfish


The Wetland have all the above functions except the point that "it make good hazardous waste dumpsites".

The Wetlands: They are among the most productive ecosystems in the world, comparable to rain forests and  coral reefs. They also are a source of substantial biodiversity in supporting numerous species  from all of the major groups of organisms. In short Wetlands can be thought of as “biological supermarkets".

Functions of Wetlands :-

  1. They produce great quantities of food  that attract many animal species.
  2. Help in development of organisms that form the base of the food web
  3. It acts as buffer shorelines against erosion.
  4. It also makes biogeochemical cycling, involves the  biologic, physical, and chemical  transformations of various nutrients  within the biota, soils, water, and air.

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Wetlands serve many vital functions in nature. Wetlands provide a buffer to prevent erosion of shorelines, they filter pollutants, provide spawning grounds for commercially important fish and shellfish, and many other purposes. They do not make good hazardous waste dumpsites and are unfortunately too often polluted  by materials that have been dumped. 

Organisms that feed on dead decaying matter are called?


The answer is detritivores. Detritivores (detrivores or detritus feeders) obtain nutrients by feeding on the dead decaying matter, such as decomposing plant and animal plants and feces. After the death of both producers and consumers, bacteria and fungi eat dead organisms and thus are classified as detritivores.

Final answer:

Decomposers, like specific bacteria and fungi, break down dead and decaying matter, recycling nutrients back into the ecosystem.


Organisms that feed on dead and decaying matter are called decomposers. Examples of decomposers include certain types of bacteria and fungi such as mushrooms. These organisms are incredibly important for every ecosystem, as they break down dead material and waste products, turning them back into simple nutrients that other living organisms can use. This cycle of decomposition contributes to the ongoing process of nutrient cycling in nature.

Learn more about Decomposers here:


Explain why proteins are considered polymers but lipids are not



Polymers are made from a chain of one similar subunit bound together in sequence. Proteins are made from polypepetide chains which are sequences of amino acid subunits. Another example of polymer is DNA and RNA made of nucleic acid subunits.

However, lipids do not have one similar subunit but rather variable ways in which the lipid chains can form. For example phospholipid unit is made of a phosphate molecule bound to a fatty acid chain and glycerol. A triglyceride is a subunit of glycerol bound to three fatty acids chains. Cholesterol is also considered a lipid but is made of carbon rings rather than chains. Lipids therefore cannot be referred to as a polymer.


To learn more on polymers check out;


In 1809, Lamarck developed one of the first theories of evolution called the


the inheritance of acquired characteristics 
aquired traits. The ideas are flawed but he is one of the first to propose a mechanism explaining how organisms change over time.

What is the unit cost if a dozen eggs cost $1.35?A) $0.11
B) $0.13
C) $1.23
D) $4.29


total eggs=12
dozen eggs cost =1.35 dollars
one egg =12/1.35
=0.11 dollars


The cost of an egg is $0.11

Step-by-step explanation:

Given : The cost of one dozen of eggs is $ 1.35

We have to find the cost of one egg.

We know, one dozen has 12 units

Thus, One dozen of eggs contain 12 eggs

So cost of 12 eggs is $ 1.35

So to find the cost of one egg divide the cost by 12.

We get,

1 egg =

Thus, The cost of an egg is $0.11

The first strands of DNA were observed through which microscope? tunneling microscope simple microscope compound light microscope electron microscope


Technically, X-ray crystallography, which is like an unfocused electron microscope, was first used to see DNA structure. Scientists today use more refined electron microscopes for researching DNA and its structure


The electron microscope is a kind of microscope that uses a beam of electrons to produce an image of the specimen. It is acceptable of important special magnifications and has a greater resolving power than a light microscope, providing it to see much smaller objects in precise detail.

Final answer:

The first strands of DNA were observed through an electron microscope. This type of microscope offers enough magnification and resolution to visualize highly detailed molecular structures, including DNA.


The first strands of DNA were observed through an electron microscope. The Electron microscope, capable of magnifying objects up to a million times, allowed scientists to view much smaller particles, including the structure of DNA. The resolution of electron microscopes is incredibly high, enabling them to see highly detailed structural information that a tunneling microscope, simple microscope, or compound light microscope could not have revealed. In comparison, these microscopes provide less detail and weaker magnification, proving them insufficient for studying something as intricate as DNA structure.

Learn more about electron microscope here: