B. narrow victory for the Americans.
C. clear victory for the Americans.
D. unqualified British victory.
The headright system in Virginia allowed anyone who could pay their own passage to the New World to earn land. This included individuals, families, and indentured servants who had completed their terms of service. The land could then be used for farming, often tobacco.
The headright system was a system implemented by the Virginia Company to attract more settlers to the New World. Any individual person who paid his own way to Virginia would receive fifty acres of land. Additionally, for every indentured servant or family member brought, an additional fifty acres were granted. Therefore, anyone, including indentured servants who completed their service, could use the headright system to acquire land for themselves and grow crops. This was a powerful incentive for English migrants to take the perilous journey to the New World.
Besides, indentured servants who completed their service often began new lives as tobacco planters, taking advantage of the headright system. However, not only individuals but also larger companies that could afford to bring more people received essentially large tracts of land, changing the socio-economic structure of the New World.
The correct answer is A.
In 1577, Elizabeth I sent Francis Drake to begin an expedition against the Spaniards along the Pacific coast of the Americas. Drake left Plymouth, England in November 1577, aboard the Pelican, which Drake renamed Golden Hind in the middle of the trip. In September of 1578, it passed through the southern tip of South America, called Drake Passage, which connects the southwestern part of the Atlantic Ocean with the southeastern part of the Pacific Ocean. In June 1579, Drake landed somewhere north of Spain's northernmost claim in Alta California, which is known as Drakes Bay, California. Drake completed the second circumnavigation of the world in September 1580, becoming the first commander to lead a complete circumnavigation.