Changes in the body system and organs with age are highly variable and can be the result of disease, which, in turn, is influenced by lifestyle. Common physical changes include loss of color, texture and elasticity of the skin, bleaching of hair, loss of height, bone impairment, tendency to sleep less. Most body systems continue to function well, but the heart becomes more susceptible to disease and the reserve capacity of the heart and other organs decreases.
Answer: variables
A variable is either a qualitative or quantitative entity for example a number, age, sex, income, days, class grades, color, texture, shape and other. A variable can be changed or manipulated in an experiment to know its impact on the desired variable or the experimental variable.
A variable may vary among the members of the population for example height, weight, age, sex, intelligent quotient and other features. Such variation s can be useful in determination of the most prominent or least occurring traits in the survey research.
A cisgender person is one whose gender identifies with the sex assigned to them at birth. In other words, a person's gender identity corresponds to their biological sex. For example, a person who identifies as a man was biologically assigned as male at birth is referred to as a cisgender woman.
It is important to note that cisgender is associated with gender identity, not sexuality. For example, two women can be cisgender women but one is lesbian while the other is straight.
the process for creating a law
the steps for selecting a state representative
the requirements of citizenship
It is the basis of how a bill is created. The House proposes. The senate can add amendments, and the president can refuse to sign it, sending reasons to the house along with the tattered bill. But article I section 7 is the procedure that must be followed in order to have a bill made.
Article 1, Section 7 of the Constitution explains "the process for creating a law"
A constitution is an aggregate of fundamental principles or established precedents that constitute the legal basis of a polity, organization or other type of entity and commonly determine how that entity is to be governed.
Article I, Section 7 of the Constitution creates certain rules to govern how Congress makes law. The Clause provides that a bill can become a law only if, after passage by both Houses of Congress, it is presented to the President.The President then has ten days either to sign the bill into law or reject the bill and return it to Congress with an explanation of his or her objections.
Hence, option B is correct.
To learn more about Article 1 Section 7, here
was opposed by the Bush administration on ethical grounds.
as created during the Clinton administration.
had identified and classified over 100,000 human genes by 2003.
was funded solely by private sources.
as created during the Clinton administration.
The Human Genome Project started under President Bill Clinton's administration and was initially funded by the US National Institutes of Health. By 2003, two years earlier than the expected due date, the Genome Project have been able to identify all of the approximately 20,000–25,000 genes in the human genome.
A. a social cause.
B. a network.
C. censorship.
D. social media.
A group standing on the corner with signs urging people to spay or neuter their pets is an example of a social cause.
The answer is option A.
They are inclusive events that surpass the barriers of age, gender, and economic status.Marathons bring people together to not just run but run for a cause. Thousands of people participate in marathons for fitness and also contribute to charitable causes at the same time.
Having a social cause or mission provides tangible and intangible value for stakeholders, making them more likely to invest in your company. In fact, social responsibility is so attractive to investors these days that many are actively pulling away from companies that don't share a social cause or mission.
Learn more about social cause here:
A Social Cause