What is a relationship in reading?


Answer 1

Answer: A relationship in reading is also known as a connection in reading.

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Use the words contentious and tension in a sentence


A CONTENTIOUS person likes to argue about everything. "My mom seems to be CONTENTIOUS person so I avoid conflict with her".  Theres a couple ways to use TENSION. "There was a lot of TENSION between the two boys". Or tension used as emotional or physical pain,  "I have a TENSION headache so I cannot concentrate well".  Both in a sentence could be…."My mom and I are both  CONTENTIOUS, it really puts TENSION on our relationship". 

Final answer:

The sentence 'The contentious issue of who should be the class president caused a great deal of tension among the students.' clearly demonstrates how to use the words 'contentious' and 'tension'. In this sentence, 'contentious' describes a subject of intense debate and 'tension' explains a stressful atmosphere arising from this debate.


To use the words 'contentious' and 'tension' in a sentence, consider the following example: 'The contentious issue of who should be the class president caused a great deal of tension among the students.'

In this sentence, 'contentious' is used to describe a subject of intense debate or argument, which is the class president's election. The word 'tension' describes the strained or stressful atmosphere resulting from this contentious situation.

Learn more about Using words contentious and tension in a sentence here:



What is The Pronoun In The Sentence ""The Students whispered Nervously When they saw the headmaster""?


they is the subjective 3rd person prounoun


The pronoun in this sentence is "they".


when he arrived at his office, all workers ------ (engage) in their wok. he got angry when he ------(tell) thst some clients left with complaints . that was the moment he------(evaluate) by office members as in eficient since he ----(begin) working as a manager . he ----(manage) organization for the last five years and he has never been late single day. (fill it with correct tense if necessary fill it with voice form). ( i need help)​



when he arrived at his office, all workers got engaged in their wok.

he got angry when he told that some clients left with complaints .

that was the moment he was evaluated by office members as inefficient since he began working as a manager .

he managed organization for the last five years and he has never been late single day.


when he arrived at his office, all workers got engaged(present perfect- It tells about past events which are connected to the present actions)  

in their work. he got angry when he told (past perfect means tells about the past event in the past) that some clients left with complaints. that was the moment he was evaluated(past perfect means tells about the past event in the past) by office members as inefficient since he began(Past participle: he has worked all her life) working as a manager .he managed(past continuous which means talking about actions happening at some time in the past  organization for the last five years and he has never been a late single day.

Which sentence uses consistent verb tense?1. The police officer rounded the corner and pumps his arms harder.

2. The animals scrambled to get into the barn as the lightning struck.

3. Alexander finished his math test and walks to Mr.Smith's desk.

4. Sampson and Raina watch the fireworks and will comment on how beautiful they are.


The answer is 2. I answered before and I was correct but the admins keep deleting it. So, if you guys could stop deleting this so I don't have to keep rewriting it that would be nice.  .-.


The answer is 2. I took the test literally 5 minutes ago.