Identify the events that led to the Progressive Era, and explain who the Progressives actually were.


Answer 1


The events that led to the Progressive Era—which was a period of predominant social and political reforms in the United States between the 1890s and 1920s—were the socioeconomic challenges and problems caused by political corruption and inefficiency, urbanization, immigration, and industrialization. The Progressive Era aimed at tackling and removing corruption from many aspects of government and daily living, and strengthening democracy.

Generally speaking, the progressives were/included both government (political) and non-governmental leaders alike: political leaders included people like Robert M. La Follette Sr., Roosevelt Franklin, Charles Evans Hughes, Woodrow Wilson, William Jennings, etc. On the other hand, non-governmental leaders included Sophonisba Breckinridge, Jane Addams, Edith Abbott, etc.

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direct democracy :) your welcome

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I looked it up for you.

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its have to be B i believe so

Briefly explain how well you think the majority opinion applied the principles of the First Amendment to the Tinker case. Why?



The Tinker case is an important First Amendment case because it defines a student's right to free speech in a public school setting. This ruling would have to be taken into account in any later court cases involving the rights of students in a similar situation.


Final answer:

The majority opinion in the Tinker case effectively applied the principles of the First Amendment, upholding students' rights to symbolic speech even in a school setting. It stressed the importance of First Amendment protections despite potential disruptions.


The Tinker v. Des Moines case was a significant First Amendment case decided by the Supreme Court. The majority opinion held that students do not lose their First Amendment rights when they step onto school property. The Court based this decision on the principle that the First Amendment protects not only the right to speak, but also the right to express oneself symbolically. In Tinker, the students were expressing their opposition to the Vietnam War by wearing black armbands. The majority opinion said that this was protected symbolic speech.

Despite ramifications, like potential disturbances in school, the Court believed First Amendment protections were more significant due to their long-term importance. It emphasized that schools could not ban such symbolic expressions just based on a fear of possible disruption.

Thus, the majority opinion in the Tinker case applied the principles of the First Amendment effectively, considering the need for freedom of speech and expression, even in the context of a school. It affirmed that students do not shed their constitutional rights at the schoolhouse gate.

Learn more about Tinker case here:


One day six Tories paid Nancy a call and demanded a meal. She soon spread before them smoking venison, hole-cakes, and fresh honeycomb. Having stacked their arms, they seated themselves, and started to eat, when Nancy quick as a flash seized one of the guns, cocked it, and with a blazing oath declared she would blow out the brains of the first mortal that offered to rise or taste a mouthful! She sent one of her sons to inform the Whigs of her prisoners. Whether uncertain because of her cross-eyes which one she was aiming at, or transfixed by her ferocity, they remained quiet. The Whigs soon arrived and dealt with the Tories according to the rules of the time Milledgeville Southern Recorder, 1825

What facts are presented in this article? Check all that apply.

A the number of Tories who came to the cabin.

B the time of day this event took place.

C a list of exactly what Nancy cooked for a meal.

D a description of how Hart shot the two Tories.

E a description of how the troops reacted after Hart threatened them.


According to the passage from the Milledgeville Southern Recorder, the facts presented are options:

A) The number of Tories who came to the cabin.

C) A list of exactly what Nancy cooked for a meal.

E) A description of how the troops reacted after Nancy threatened them.

How are these the facts?

The passage mentions that six Tories paid Nancy a call and demanded a meal. This indicates the number of Tories who came to the cabin (fact A). The passage also mentions that Nancy spread before them smoking venison, hole-cakes, and fresh honeycomb, providing a list of what she cooked for a meal (fact C).

Finally, the passage describes how Nancy seizedone of the guns, cocked it, and threatened to shoot anyone who tried to rise or taste a mouthful. The troops remained quiet, suggesting a description of how the troops reacted after Nancy's threat (fact E). The passage doesn't provide information about the time of day or how Hart shot the two Tories, so facts B and D are not presented in the article.

learn more about facts:



A. the number of Tories who came to the cabin

C. a list of exactly what Nancy cooked for a meal

E. a description of how the troops reacted after Hart threatened them


The outcome of First Battle of Bull Run showed that​



neither side was ready for a long war
