Wei-Chin designed a self-report inventory to measure how intimate partners express affection and hostility toward each other. The inventory is a list of positive behaviors (e.g., back rubs, holding hands) and negative behaviors (e.g., slamming doors, raising voices). After a wide range of couples completed the inventory, Wei-Chin found that happy couples endorsed all the affection items and unhappy couples endorsed all the hostile items. Which of the following problems prevents Wei-Chin from concluding that happy couples exchange more affectionate behaviors than unhappy couples?


Answer 1

This question is incomplete, here´s the complete question.

Wei-Chin designed a self-report inventory to measure how intimate partners express affection and hostility toward each other. The inventory is a list of positive behaviors (e.g., back rubs, holding hands) and negative behaviors (e.g., slamming doors, raising voices). After having a wide range of couples complete the inventory, Wei-Chin finds that happy couples endorse all the affection items and unhappy couples endorse all the hostile items. Which of the following problems prevents him from concluding that happy couples exchange more affectionate behaviors than unhappy couples?

1. sentiment override

2. item-overlap problem

3. correlation does not imply causation

4. social desirability effect

Answer: 3. Correlation does not imply causation.


Correlation is a statistical technique that evaluates how much two variables are linearly related, meaning they change together. However, two variables being correlated does not necessarily mean that one causes the other. Causation states that any change in a variable will cause a change in another variable.

The fact that happy couples endorsed all the positive behaviors, and unhappy couples the negative ones, shows that there´s a correlation, but it doesn't necessarily mean that unhappiness causes couples to exchange more negative behaviors, or vice-versa.

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The correct answer is D. Trying to make sense of something


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2.1 Critically evaluate how obtaining your NSC will benefit you. (5)2.2 Write a paragraph on how the transition from school to a post - school destination can be best be dealt with. (10)

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The benefits of the national schoolcertificate include:

  • Access to post school opportunities.
  • Admission to internships.
  • Admission to higher educational institutions.

What are the benefits of NSC?

It should be noted that NSC are important to have acccess to post school opportunities as well as furthering one's education.

The participation in exercise is important for an individual to live a healthy lifestyle. This is also vital for the improvement of the quality of life of the person.

Learn more about NSC on:



2.1 Critically evaluate how obtaining your NSC will benefit you. (5)

The NSC enables learners to access to a variety of post-school opportunities depending on their performance in Grade 12. The opportunities include entry-level employment, admission to learner ships and internships, and admission to colleges, universities and other higher education institutions.

Hope this helps you.

Is work small?why should we respect the labour?​

