An acid-base indicator is used in what type of reaction? A. neutralization B. combination C. decomposition D. combustion


Answer 1
Answer: An acid base reaction is a netutralization reaction which produces water and salt. It is not a decomposition since the reactants are not broken to simpler elements nor combustion since it does not uses oxygen as reactant.
Answer 2

Answer: Neutralization Reaction

Explanation: Acid-Base Indicator are the substances which are responsible for the observance of the color change in the titration mixture due to the change in pH at the end point.

Acid -Base reactions are those in which acid and base reacts to get neutralized and formation of the salt takes place.

When the amount of acid becomes equal to the amount of base, end point is reached where the color of the solution changes.

This reaction is neither a decomposition reaction as the reactant is not getting decomposed into simpler elements  nor a combustion reaction as it is not taking place in presence of oxygen . It can be a part of combination reaction but it is more primarily known as Neutralization reaction.

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The question asks average kinetic energy. So it is only related with the temperature. The higher temperature is, the higher kinetic energy is. So the answer is (4).

Answer : Option 4) 9.0 g of I_(2) at 20°C

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the correct answer would be filtration