In the late 1800s, the British scientist J. J. Thomson discovered that atoms were composed of positively-charged and negatively-charged particles. He proposed that these two types of particles were evenly mixed throughout the structure of the atom. How does this atomic model differ from current atomic models?A. Current atomic models show that atoms do not have positively-charged particles.

B. Current atomic models show an atom's positively-charged particles concentrated in the center of the atom.

C. Current atomic models show that atoms do not have negatively-charged particles.


Answer 1
Answer: Option B.

Current atomic models show the positive charged particles (protons) concentrated in the center (nucleus) of the atom, along with the neutrons, and the negative charged particles (electrons) distributed around (far from) the nucleus.

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the known density of the liquid is

d_known = 0.1478 g /ml

the density of a liquid

d_calculated = 0.137 g /mol

experimental error = d_known – d_calculated

= 0.1478 – 0.137 = 0.0108 g /mL

Thus, experimental error of 0.0108 g /mL is present.

Percentage error = [ (d_known – d_calculated) / (d_known) ] * 100

=[ (0.0108) / 0.1478 ] * 100

= 7.31 %

Thus, Percentage error of 7.31 % is present.

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Which one has the less density?




Large mass but not as much volume, so not as dense...





You take the mass/volume to find density.

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b. green

water solutions have neutral pH ( ~7) so the indicator will turn green

Final answer:

Bromothymol blue would become green when added to water, due to water's neutral pH of around 7. This response uses pH levels and the color changes of bromothymol blue as indicators of acidity or basicity.


The color of bromothymol blue in water would be green. That's because the pH level of pure water is around 7, which falls within the range of 6 to 8 where bromothymol blue would turn green. Bromothymol blue is an indicator used in chemistry to identify pH levels by presenting different colors in solutions of different pHs: it turns yellow in solutions under pH 6, green between pH 6 to 8, and blue when the pH is above 8.

Learn more about Bromothymol Blue in Water here:


Consider the following reaction: 2HCl + Ca(OH)2 CaCl2 + 2H2O A scientist wants to neutralize 25 mL of 0.001 M Ca(OH)2 with a volume of 0.005 M HCl. What is the minimum volume of HCl required?


The balanced chemical equation for the above reaction is as follows ;
Ca(OH)2 + 2HCl —> CaCl2 + 2H2O
Stoichiometry of Ca(OH)2 to HCl is 1:2
Number of Ca(OH)2 moles present - 0.001 mol/L / 1000 mL/L x 25 mL
Number of Ca(OH)2 moles = 2.5 x 10^(-5) mol
Number of HCl moles needed for neutralisation = 2.5 x 10^(-5) mol x2 = 5 x 10 ^(-5) mol
The molarity of HCl solution is 0.005 M
The solution contains 0.005 mol in 1000 mL
Therefore volume of 5x10^(-5) mol in = 1000/0.005 x 5 x 10^(-5) mol = 10 mL
10 mL of HCl is needed for neutralisation