What does greater capital mobility mean?


Answer 1

Greater Capital Mobility essentially means conditions in which nations remove or reduce barriers to investment capital.

What is the meaning of capital mobility?

The ability to move money easily from one place to another, usually from one country to another, is referred to as capital mobility. True capital mobility also entails the capacity to transfer funds without paying any fees or costs from one location to another.

Increased capital mobility basically refers to situations where countries remove or lower restrictions on investment capital flowing from one country to another, enabling it to move around more easily, more quickly, and more affordably.

Capital mobility refers to how easily money and other financial resources can travel across borders. Capital immobility occurs when there are barriers to its freedom of movement.

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Answer 2

Answer: investment money flows freely around the world.


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How can culture define society?


Answer: Culture creates a great sense of belonging for so many people, especially when they speak the same language that unites them. There are so many other reasons why culture is so important to our everyday lives and plays an integral part in shaping how we feel and live within today's society.

Culture is what differentiates one group or society from the next. Different societies have different cultures; however it is important not to confuse the idea of culture with society. A culture represents the beliefs and practices of a group, while society represents the people who share those beliefs and practices.

Culture plays a significant role in defining society. Here are some ways in which culture influences and shapes society:

1. Values and Beliefs: Culture establishes the values and beliefs that are important to a society. These values determine what is considered right or wrong, acceptable or unacceptable within that society. For example, in some cultures, individualism and personal achievement may be highly valued, while in others, collectivism and community well-being may be prioritized.

2. Norms and Customs: Culture sets the norms and customs that guide social behavior within a society. Norms are the unwritten rules that dictate how individuals should behave in different situations. Customs are specific practices and rituals that are considered appropriate within a culture. These norms and customs shape the way people interact, communicate, and behave in society.

3. Language and Communication: Language is an integral part of culture and plays a crucial role in defining society. Different cultures have distinct languages, dialects, and communication styles. Language helps to convey ideas, express emotions, and transmit knowledge within a society. It influences the way people perceive and interpret the world around them.

4. Social Institutions: Culture shapes the social institutions present in a society. These institutions include family, education, government, religion, and the economy. Culture determines the structure, rules, and expectations of these institutions, which in turn shape the organization and functioning of society. For example, cultural values may influence the roles and responsibilities of family members or the educational curriculum taught in schools.

5. Art, Music, and Literature: Cultural expressions such as art, music, and literature reflect the values, beliefs, and experiences of a society. These creative forms of expression provide insight into the cultural identity of a community and contribute to its unique character. They help to preserve and transmit cultural heritage from one generation to another, strengthening the bonds within society.

It is important to note that culture is not static and can change over time. Societies are dynamic, and cultural shifts can occur due to various factors such as globalization, technology advancements, and social movements. Therefore, culture continues to shape and redefine society as it evolves.

Culture can define society in several ways. One key aspect is that culture provides a sense of belonging for people who share the same language, customs, traditions, and values. This shared identity creates a strong bond among individuals and helps shape their behavior and interactions within society. Additionally, culture influences various aspects of society, such as social norms, laws, art, and entertainment. It shapes how people think, communicate, and perceive the world around them. Overall, culture plays a vital role in defining and molding society.

What can we learn about egyptian values through the study of their beliefs in the afterlife?


We can tell that they value the importance of death and that they pursue and believe in things many of them haven't experienced.

What are some technological advancements of poisonous gas in world war one


Poison gas was used by both sides with devastating results (well, sometimes) during the Great War. The Germans pioneered the large-scale use of chemical weapons with a gas attack on Russian positions on January 31, 1915, during the Battle of Bolimov, but low temperatures froze the poison (xylyl bromide) in the shells. The first successful use of chemical weapons occurred on April 22, 1915, near Ypres, when the Germans sprayed chlorine gas from large cylinders towards trenches held by French colonial troops. The defenders fled, but typically for the First World War, this didn’t yield a decisive result: the Germans were slow to follow up with infantry attacks, the gas dissipated, and the Allied defenses were restored. Before long, of course, the Allies were using poison gas too, and over the course of the war both sides resorted to increasingly insidious compounds to beat gas masks, another new invention; thus the overall result was a huge increase in misery for not much change in the strategic situation (a recurring theme of the war).

How did geography affect where people settled in the Southern Colonies


They settled southern colonies over northern colonies because the southern colonies were the only ones with enough fertile soil to develop a successful agricultural economy, centered on cotton, tobacco, and indigo. They settled all across the area, with port cities and trade depots (such as Savannah and Atlanta, respectively) becoming population centers for traders and entrepreneurs. The major cities often were found on rivers, which were the great highways of the times.

In which order were these documents written and adopted?1. U.S. Constitution
2. Bill of Rights
3. Declaration of Independence
4. Articles of Confederation






The Declaration of Independence was written and signed by the Continental Congress first in 1776. Next came the Articles of Confederation which was ratified by the 13 colonies in 1781. The U.S. Constitution was then signed and ratified in 1787. Then the Bill of Rights or the first ten amendments to the Constitution were added and ratified in 1791. Therefore, the order is 3,4,1,2 or D.

Correct answer:  D. 3,4,1,2

Here is the order of those events, with dates:

  • Declaration of Independence - July 4, 1776
  • Articles of Confederation - Ratified March 1, 1781
  • United States Constitution - Ratified June 21, 1788
  • Bill of Rights - Ratified December 15, 1791

The Declaration of Independence asserted the independence of the American colonies from the British.  Then the Americans needed to win the War of Independence in order to establish their own country.

The Articles of Confederation were the initial plan used for the governing of the United States.  Those articles were then replaced by the US Constitution, and the Bill of Rights (Amendments #1-10 to the Constitution) were added shortly after the Constitution itself was ratified.

Explain checks and balances.


Checks and balances is the idea behind limiting the power of each government branches by giving each branch the ability to "check" the power of the others. For example, the president can veto a law passed by Congress, but Congress can override the veto if they have enough votes.