Government often provides goods â " like highways, national defense, and lighthouses â " that can be used by all regardless of whether they paid for them, because markets for such goods do not exist. Goods of this type are called_______________.a. free-range goodsb. collective goodsc. private goodsd. public goods


Answer 1



Public goods are those goods that the government produces or are produced naturally and then made available for the common use of public in order to benefit people without any charges or free of cost.

These good can't be excluded and are unrivaled.

Thus the highways, lighthouses, defense, etc are included in public goods.

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this could be different from what it is supposed to be, depending on what you're learning in class, but it would seem that the first one (answer ) would be grow or learn and the second answer would be economy because with learning comes degrees from college and you can get a job with that and build a good economy with jobs.

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b. Embargo Act
c. urban growth
d. National Bank


urban growth called for a tariff to stimulate growth

no its B bc i look at the answer after i smit it

The process of exhibiting strong emotions toward one’s therapist that one would normally feel for another person is referred to as __________.


You could call this process "transference".

A transference is the redirection of feelings from one source to another source. So if you feel angry at your friend, and if you tell your therapist about this, you could start feeling angry at them: this would be called a transference.

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According to the US Census the average persons salary in 1916 was about 687$ a year.

Answer: C


In the U.S., the history of ethical regulations in human subjects research began with the ________. Nuremberg Code Declaration of Helsinki Belmont Report Common Rule


Answer:Nuremberg code


On the account of this code the three principles discussed in the belmont report are respect for persons, beneficence and justice.

Final answer:

The ethical regulations in human subjects research in the U.S. began with the Nuremberg Code, followed by the development of IRBs and requirements like informed consent to protect participants in research studies.


In the U.S., the history of ethical regulations in human subjects research began with the Nuremberg Code. This set of guidelines was developed in response to the atrocities conducted by Nazi physicians during World War II. As ethical concerns in research arose, particularly highlighted by tragic studies such as the Tuskegee syphilis study, further regulations and the establishment of Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) were implemented. These boards are responsible for protecting the rights and welfare of research participants, ensuring ethical practices such as informed consent, minimizing risks, respecting the autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice principles in human research.

Learn more about Ethical Regulations here:


The equilibrium model states that social change happens because society seeks which of the following?


Answer: Balance

Explanation: The equilibrium model states that social change happens because society seeks balance. According to this model, society in its natural state is stable and balanced. That is, society moves toward balance. Social problems in one aspect of society require adjustments in other social aspects.

Balance. It says equilibrium so that's what I assume.